Comment Title |
Commenter |
Proposed Virginia Administrative Code section 22 VAC 40-131-170
Leonard J Fabiano
4/2/11 6:37 pm |
Regarding Homosexual Couples Adopting Babies
Patricia Cornell
4/2/11 1:51 pm |
Against Homosexual Adoptions
Roy and Betty Mason
4/2/11 12:22 am |
State of Virginia Protect Christian Adoption Agency
Teresita Abacan
4/2/11 12:10 am |
Public Policy Should Focus on Needs of Children
Joanne S. Beckman, RN, PhD
4/2/11 12:06 am |
Nathan Lewis
4/2/11 12:06 am |
Homasexual adoption
Roy and Betty Mason
4/2/11 12:02 am |
Discrimination towards faith based agencies
Lisa Wade
4/1/11 11:59 pm |
Opposition to 22VAC40-131-170 Part B
Siena Sánchez-O'Brien
4/1/11 11:59 pm |
People of faith and right reason have rights too under the freedom of religion clause
Gary L. Morella, Catholic member research faculty Penn State
4/1/11 11:59 pm |
No to SSM
Juston Olson
4/1/11 11:59 pm |
New standards for child-placing agencies
Marilyn Greene
4/1/11 11:57 pm |
Children deserve to have a mother and a father
S Benjamin
4/1/11 11:57 pm |
Support and love children: Reject the proposed regulation
David DePerro, Virginia resident since 1982
4/1/11 11:57 pm |
USA pro homosexual - STOP THE MADNESS
craig gedeist
4/1/11 11:56 pm |
do not support purposed changes
David Morgan
4/1/11 11:56 pm |
Please don't re-define the nature of the family
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Terreri, Citizen of the Commonwealth
4/1/11 11:55 pm |
USA pro homosexual - STOP THE MADNESS
craig gedeist
4/1/11 11:55 pm |
Opposition to regulation 22 VAC 40-131-170(B)
Erin Szabo
4/1/11 11:55 pm |
Opposition to Proposed Rules For Adoption Agencies, 22VAC40-131
E. Dorham, concerned citizen
4/1/11 11:54 pm |
New foster care / adoption regulations
John Robertson
4/1/11 11:54 pm |
Adoption agencies
Gina Dalfonzo
4/1/11 11:54 pm |
Support protections against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.
Bill Johnson, George Mason University.
4/1/11 11:52 pm |
Action: Adopt new standards for licensed private child-placing agencies.
Alicia Ragsdale
4/1/11 11:51 pm |
Bad for children
Ruby Nicdao
4/1/11 11:51 pm |
Freedom of Religion
4/1/11 11:51 pm |
Strongly oppose 22VAC 40 131-170
Geri Forbes
4/1/11 11:50 pm |
Don't limit
keep separate license for the best results for the children !!!
4/1/11 11:49 pm |
Changes in Adoption Regulations
Wayne Brindle
4/1/11 11:48 pm |
child care regulations
4/1/11 11:47 pm |
Leslie Glass
4/1/11 11:44 pm |
Please respect people of other faiths.
Larry Hau
4/1/11 11:44 pm |
supporting freedom of religion, don't force private agencies to violate their personal convictionss
4/1/11 11:43 pm |
Opposition to Proposed Regulation 22 VAC 40-131-170(B)
Paul Bresnahan
4/1/11 11:43 pm |
Concern over inclusion of sexual orientation in 22VAC40-131-170.B
Michael Bingham
4/1/11 11:42 pm |
Please do not discriminate against religious adoption agencies
Barbara Rayle
4/1/11 11:41 pm |
4/1/11 11:41 pm |
Christian Adoption Agencies
Jennifer Weitlauf
4/1/11 11:40 pm |
Biological Evidence
Concerned Citizen
4/1/11 11:39 pm |
proposed regulations
Jerrilyn Forsyth
4/1/11 11:39 pm |
Proposed Rules For Adoption Agencies, 22VAC40-131
David Ostrowski
4/1/11 11:39 pm |
Opposed to the changes for faith based agencies
Timothy Minkler
4/1/11 11:38 pm |
The Law of Unintended Consequences
Mrs. Cynthia Nolan
4/1/11 11:32 pm |
Christian Marriage and families should be encouraged not replaced with illicit values and lifestyles
Personal View
4/1/11 11:31 pm |
Proposed Virginia Administrative Code section 22 VAC 40-131-170
Ronald F. Shea
4/1/11 11:31 pm |
Other viewpoints
C. Mahaffey
4/1/11 11:31 pm |
Proposed Virginia Administrative Code section 22 VAC 40-131-170
Mary McCallum
4/1/11 11:29 pm |
Homosexual Adoption is Evil
Traditional Roman Catholic
4/1/11 11:29 pm |
Opposed to proposed 22VAC40-131-170(B) Please allow more time for the public to comment!
Mr. & Mrs. P. Young
4/1/11 11:29 pm |
disapproval of proposed new regulations
Scott Pittman
4/1/11 11:29 pm |
not in the best interest of the children
Wendy Petzel, Family Therapist
4/1/11 11:28 pm |
Government regulation of faith based organizations
Ruben, Southern Baptist Convention
4/1/11 11:28 pm |
Adoption Rules
David Keys
4/1/11 11:28 pm |
Adoption qualifications
Elaine Baughman
4/1/11 11:28 pm |
Kathryn Kujawski
4/1/11 11:28 pm |
Protect the Children
Monica Grado
4/1/11 11:28 pm |
Oppose 22 VAC 40-131-170
Christine Semler
4/1/11 11:27 pm |
Supporting Religious Rights to adoption to remain with couples of male and female
Imam Wali Ayyub Bilal
4/1/11 11:27 pm |
Foster Care
M. Mayo
4/1/11 11:27 pm |
I oppose 22VAC 40-131-170(B)
Kevin Allen
4/1/11 11:25 pm |
Oppose Virginia Administrative Code section 22 VAC 40-131-170
Stephanie Williams
4/1/11 11:23 pm |
Regulations on Christian Adoption Agencies Regarding Discrimination
Mrs. Susan Misconish
4/1/11 11:23 pm |
22 VAC-40-131-170
Donna Simoncelli
4/1/11 11:22 pm |
Protect Christian Adoption Agencies
Charles A. Hake
4/1/11 11:22 pm |
Proposed Virginia Administrative Code section 22 VAC 40-131-170
Lin Barrett
4/1/11 11:21 pm |
These Children Deserve the Best Homes! (Gay Homes Are Not the Best!!)
Michelle Bradshaw
4/1/11 11:21 pm |
Why cause Christian families to quit foster care and adopting?
Luetta Fox
4/1/11 11:21 pm |
Parental roles
Cheryl Bormes
4/1/11 11:18 pm |
Proposed Virginia Administrative Code section 22 VAC 40-131-170
Ronald Perkins
4/1/11 11:18 pm |
Opposition to proposed regulation 22 VAC 40-131-170 (B)
4/1/11 11:18 pm |
Freedom of agencies must be respected
Bruna Allen
4/1/11 11:16 pm |
You'll be hurting the children the most
Michele O'Kane
4/1/11 11:16 pm |
Placement of adoptive children.
Mary Ann Rowe A Catholic voter dfrom Arlington
4/1/11 11:15 pm |
Oppose same sex adoptions
Fr. Chris Fontanini
4/1/11 11:15 pm |
Just the Facts Please
Carol Preiss
4/1/11 11:15 pm |
Private Orgs Compelled to allow Homoxsexuals Adopt Children
Kathleen Katz, Adjunct Professor
4/1/11 11:14 pm |
Against the Proposal
Barbara, Concerned Catholic Mother
4/1/11 11:14 pm |
Keep religious foster care and adoption agencies in business
Julie Mahr
4/1/11 11:14 pm |
Bad for private agencies, vote no!
4/1/11 11:11 pm |
STRONGLY OPPOSE 22 VAC40-131-170 Part IV (B)
Gregory Garrison
4/1/11 11:10 pm |
science and religious freedom takes precedence over political correctness
Peggy McFarland
4/1/11 11:10 pm |
Unjust and Cruel to Force People to Allow Same-Sex Pairs to Adopt Children
Thomas JC
4/1/11 11:07 pm |
Do not discriminate against religious foster care and adoption agencies
Liz Melendez
4/1/11 11:07 pm |
Adoption Proposal
Bertha Braddock
4/1/11 11:06 pm |
Proposed Changes
Duane Ratzlaff
4/1/11 11:05 pm |
opposition to the proposed language of 22 VAC 40-131-170
Melissa George
4/1/11 11:04 pm |
Give adoption agencies their agency
Lyle Topham
4/1/11 11:02 pm |
Clear Violation of Religious Liberty
Susannah Cox
4/1/11 10:59 pm |
Opposition to 22VAC40-131-170
Andrew J. & Rose Ann Criscuolo
4/1/11 10:59 pm |
Don't hurt needy children by driving adoption agencies out of business.
Mr. Tom Sweeney
4/1/11 10:59 pm |
The wishes of adults don't trump the rights of children
Brian Davis, Graduate Student
4/1/11 10:59 pm |
Oppose same sex adoptions
Willis McCloud
4/1/11 10:58 pm |
Make a rational choice and not one politically based!
Diego Serrano
4/1/11 10:57 pm |
Please protect the children
John Czeropski
4/1/11 10:56 pm |
Adoption law changes.
Larry Schuth
4/1/11 10:56 pm |
Oppose mandated morality by new state regulation
4/1/11 10:55 pm |
Adopt new standards for licensed private child-placing agencies.
Richard Salmon
4/1/11 10:55 pm |
Please consider religious freedoms
Andrea Reekstin
4/1/11 10:55 pm |
I oppose this reverse discrimination.
John J. Sullivan
4/1/11 10:55 pm |
Daniel Donnelly
4/1/11 10:54 pm |
Faith-based Child Placement Agencies
Norman G. Oswald
4/1/11 10:52 pm |
Tired of the LGBT Agenda
John J. Buttitta
4/1/11 10:51 pm |
Administrative Code section 22 VAC 40-131-170 places children at risk
4/1/11 10:50 pm |
Children need a female mom and a male dad
Sylvia Dorham, Adoptive Parent
4/1/11 10:49 pm |
I oppose . . . reverse descrimination
Noramah Neu
4/1/11 10:46 pm |
Don't Tinker with God's Design for The Family
Bruce Bennett, Word of Truth Church
4/1/11 10:46 pm |
I oppose the proposed adoption regs
John Munday
4/1/11 10:45 pm |
Disapprove strongly
Bruce Jacobeen
4/1/11 10:45 pm |
Adoption Rule Changes
Erma Cox
4/1/11 10:43 pm |
Freedom of religion and freedom of conscience need to be preserved
Sylvia Lue Chase
4/1/11 10:41 pm |
Proposed Virginia Administrative Code section 22 VAC 40-131-170
Mary Dalton
4/1/11 10:39 pm |
Adoptions agencies do NOT have a right to discriminate against LGBT individuals!!!
4/1/11 10:38 pm |
re: requiring religious adoption / foster care agencies to include "sexual orientation"....
Marilyn Hartigan, retired teacher,adoptive mother
4/1/11 10:37 pm |
Proposed Virginia Administrative Code section 22 VAC 40-131-170
Philip Rosenbaum
4/1/11 10:36 pm |
New Regulation on Child Placement 22 VAC 40-131
I Vincente
4/1/11 10:34 pm |
Proposed Virginia Administrative Code section 22 VAC 40-131-170
MaryAnn Stuart, individual citizen.
4/1/11 10:34 pm |
I STRONGLY OPPOSE 22 VAC 40-131-170(B)
Bob Greene
4/1/11 10:34 pm |
Same sex adoption
Laurel Smith
4/1/11 10:34 pm |
Protect Adoption Agencies
4/1/11 10:33 pm |
Oppose legislation - you will force many out of the business!
Stacey Luetmer, MD
4/1/11 10:32 pm |
Immoral acts toward private adoption agencies
Gregory Baraniecki
4/1/11 10:31 pm |
Standards for Licensed Private Child-Placing Agencies
Alexandria VA voter
4/1/11 10:30 pm |
law on homosexuals adopting
Rachel Barry
4/1/11 10:30 pm |
Proposed Virginia Administrative Code section 22 VAC 40-131-170
Roy Ortiz
4/1/11 10:30 pm |
Adoption Agency Regulation relating to private adoption agencies
John K. Noe
4/1/11 10:29 pm |
Please protect our religious rights
Sarah McKenna
4/1/11 10:29 pm |
Martha Sterner
4/1/11 10:28 pm |
4/1/11 10:28 pm |
Best Interests of Children Should Trump Adult Special Interests
David Florenzo
4/1/11 10:27 pm |
Please do not deny a child a good family by interfering with Christian adoption and foster care.
Rebecca Miers
4/1/11 10:27 pm |
Adoption/Foster Care
Don and Diane Lesher
4/1/11 10:27 pm |
No good can come of this proposal
William Hunter
4/1/11 10:25 pm |
Please don't allow this bill to pass
Anthony Smitha
4/1/11 10:25 pm |
Adoption Regulations Change
Anne Souser
4/1/11 10:25 pm |
The Governor and other officials should not allow homosexuals to adopt. Period.
St. James Church, Falls Church
4/1/11 10:23 pm |
Strongly OPPOSE 22 VAC 40-131-170(B)
A E Artho
4/1/11 10:22 pm |
22 VAC 40-131 Protection of Constitutional Rights regarding FREEDOM OF RELIGION. Faith based service
4/1/11 10:21 pm |
Over-regulation. Allow parents to decide what is best without government interference.
Jeannette D. Reynolds
4/1/11 10:21 pm |
New regulations regarding child placement
Rosemarie Lewis
4/1/11 10:20 pm |
Protect Christian Adoption Agencies
Robert Beebe
4/1/11 10:18 pm |
Against new regulations re: Christian Adoption Agencies
Paula Vest-Woodfolk
4/1/11 10:18 pm |
I strongly oppose Regulation 22 VAC 40-131-170 (B)
Jennie Stanbro
4/1/11 10:17 pm |
Opposed to 22 VAC 40 ? 131
Kara Murad
4/1/11 10:17 pm |
Proposed Virginia Administrative Code section 22 VAC 40-131-170
Sandra Ordway
4/1/11 10:17 pm |
PRIVATE adoption agencies
Harald Gruber
4/1/11 10:16 pm |
22 VAC 40-131-170
Leroy Garman
4/1/11 10:16 pm |
protection of religious liberty and family values
Carol Naill
4/1/11 10:16 pm |
Protect Christian Adoption Agencies
T.D. White
4/1/11 10:15 pm |
In opposition to 22VAC 40-131-170
JJ Cole, MSW, ACSW Family Life Services
4/1/11 10:15 pm |
Fr. Horkan
Dominic Cassella
4/1/11 10:15 pm |
22 VAC 40-131
Susan Vitelli
4/1/11 10:14 pm |
The right to conscientious objection based on religious views
Logan, Private Citizen and Voter
4/1/11 10:14 pm |
Violation of Section 63.2-1734 prohibition on mandating doctrine
Mark Zehner
4/1/11 10:13 pm |
Protect Religious Adoption Agencies
Larri P. Donaldson
4/1/11 10:13 pm |
Protect Christian principles and values
Greer Heindel
4/1/11 10:12 pm |
Private adoption agencies
BS Gibson, private citizen of the USA
4/1/11 10:11 pm |
Adoption rights.
Dennis and Linda Perry
4/1/11 10:10 pm |
reverse discrimination
P Poll
4/1/11 10:10 pm |
Homosexual adoption--not good for the children!
Mary Weaver Mann
4/1/11 10:08 pm |
Proposed Virginia Administrative Code section 22 VAC 40-131-170 attacks Christian adoption agencies
Dr. Robert Borger, Counseling and Care Pastor, Evangelical Presbyterian Chu
4/1/11 10:08 pm |
Proposed new regulations for adoption organization unfair!
Robin Sowell
4/1/11 10:06 pm |
Minimum Standards for Licensed Private Child-Placing Agencies [22 VAC 40 ? 131]
Father Francis Fusare CPM
4/1/11 10:06 pm |
Regulations for Adoption in VA
4/1/11 10:05 pm |
You will hurt children by driving religious foster care and adoption agencies out of business
Barbara Rose
4/1/11 10:05 pm |
Christian Organizations Provide Broad Volunteer Community Supporters
Betty McAvoy
4/1/11 10:05 pm |
Deplorable Actions Proposed for Adoption Process
John Devaney Jr Knights of Columbus Ancient Order of Hibernians & Alhambra
4/1/11 10:05 pm |
Every child deserves a mother and a father, a traditional family. No same sex adoption!
Terry McDonnell. Owner and Administrator of True Catholic
4/1/11 10:04 pm |
Opposed to change in regulations
Kristen Grant
4/1/11 10:02 pm |
Strongly Opposed
Toni Sharp
4/1/11 10:00 pm |
A child deserves a mother and a father.
Jane Hamilton
4/1/11 9:57 pm |
I oppose these new proposed standards
Jennifer Dages
4/1/11 9:57 pm |
New Standard for Licensed Private Child Placing Agencies - 22 VAC 40-131
Carol Burdick
4/1/11 9:57 pm |
John DeVilbiss
4/1/11 9:57 pm |
opposed to new gay-friendly adoption regs
Patti Reanik
4/1/11 9:55 pm |
Private Adoption Agencies
Cheri Cardine - Private Citizen
4/1/11 9:54 pm |
Please Remove Sexual Orientation from Proposed Virginia Administrative Code section 22 VAC 40-131-17
Daniel Fletcher
4/1/11 9:54 pm |
In support of the proposed revision
4/1/11 9:53 pm |
Adopting new standards for private child-placing agencies
Manuel Vicente
4/1/11 9:53 pm |
Protect religious organizations' rights...
Kim Minkler
4/1/11 9:53 pm |
Re Proposed Virginia Administrative Code section 22 VAC 40-131-1
Leonard Schiefer
4/1/11 9:52 pm |
Proposed Virginia Administrative Code section 22 VAC 40-131-170
Kathy Ann
4/1/11 9:51 pm |
Opposed! Preserve religious freedom!
4/1/11 9:49 pm |
Faith-based agencies
Michele Burke
4/1/11 9:48 pm |
Support & encourage religious foster care & adoption agencies
Anne M. Madden
4/1/11 9:47 pm |
Adoptive Regulatory Changes
Dr. Charles Delaine, Concerned Citizen to preserve The U.S. Constitution
4/1/11 9:47 pm |
rules for adoption
mary mactavish
4/1/11 9:45 pm |
Opposed to New Regulation
Kelly White
4/1/11 9:44 pm |
I oppose this regulation.
Carole Mansfield
4/1/11 9:44 pm |
Proposed regulation of adoption agencies in Virginia; methods
Denise Smith
4/1/11 9:44 pm |
Proposed regulation 22 VAC 40-131-170 (B)
Joe Starrs
4/1/11 9:42 pm |
Please stop this regulation of Christian Adoption Agencies
Cindy Hyltin
4/1/11 9:42 pm |
Don't hurt needy children
Sara Wylie, citizen
4/1/11 9:42 pm |
Don't hurt the children by imposing unnecessary restrictions on religious agencies
J. Cic
4/1/11 9:41 pm |
CHILDREN have a RIGHT to a father & mother. Oppose this proposal for the rights of children.
Trisha Raines
4/1/11 9:41 pm |
faith based adoption
Andrea E.
4/1/11 9:41 pm |
Regarding protected classes in 22 VAC 40-131-170 12(B)
Mark S.
4/1/11 9:40 pm |
Proposed regulations will hurt kids, not help them
Carol Malone
4/1/11 9:40 pm |
Protect Religious Adoption/Foster Agencies
Erin Peterman
4/1/11 9:40 pm |
Please Don't Discriminate Against Christian Couples
Phillip Jerdon
4/1/11 9:39 pm |
Don't run Christian adoption agencies out of business!
Diane Fiazza
4/1/11 9:39 pm |
Let's get real. Stop usurping the power to raise children
Sharon Gormley
4/1/11 9:39 pm |
State has NO RIGHT to interfere
Don George
4/1/11 9:36 pm |
Proposed Adoption Regulations violate Freedom of Religion and would ultimately hurt children
Jack Peters, concerned Virginia resident
4/1/11 9:35 pm |
Religious Freedom and Private Adoption Agencies
Barbara Rice
4/1/11 9:35 pm |
Opposition to 22 VAC 40-131
Judy Robertson
4/1/11 9:34 pm |
Concern About Proposed Changes!
Kathleen Leffas
4/1/11 9:33 pm |
oppose changing adoption standards
Jeanne Hamilton
4/1/11 9:32 pm |
22 VAC 40-131-170
Jason Lee
4/1/11 9:32 pm |
Attempting to interfer with the adoption services of Religious-based entitites
Margaret M. Whitehead
4/1/11 9:32 pm |
Don't copy the District of Columbia
James Metzger
4/1/11 9:32 pm |
Opposition to 22VAC40-131-170 Part B
James Kendall, Grand Knight, Knights of Columbus / St Raymond's Parish
4/1/11 9:31 pm |
ALL religious freedoms should be respected and protected
4/1/11 9:31 pm |
Unhealthy Inviroment for a child
Margarita Lyons
4/1/11 9:31 pm |
Oppose new standards for adoption placement
Sharon H. McClelland
4/1/11 9:30 pm |
OPPOSED to the proposed regulation
Paul Boutin
4/1/11 9:29 pm |
The best choice
Marj Reed
4/1/11 9:29 pm |
The State is committing blatant religious persecution - the antithesis of our forefathers' intention
Mary Ellen Legay, Lovin' Life Ministries
4/1/11 9:29 pm |
Change wording to allow for free expression of conscious
Matt Schmidtlein, Private Citizen
4/1/11 9:29 pm |
This is child abuse to force children to do this
Rev Donald Spitz Pro-Life Virginia
4/1/11 9:29 pm |
Jackie M
4/1/11 9:28 pm |
New Regs Do Not Promote "Best Interests" of the Child
Kelly McGinn - VA Adoptive Mother
4/1/11 9:27 pm |
Adoption by all qualified organizations
Paul Hexom
4/1/11 9:26 pm |
Vote NO on 22VAC40-131-170 Part B
Kathy Vestermark
4/1/11 9:24 pm |
If Virginia citizens have banned same sex marriage then it follows we don't want same sex adoption!!
Jim Gill
4/1/11 9:24 pm |
Please change proposed Section 22VAC40-131-170(B)
Laura Hamilton
4/1/11 9:24 pm |
David Bardon
4/1/11 9:23 pm |
Please do not permit adoption agencies to process adoptions to same sex couples
Jeffrey E. Knight
4/1/11 9:22 pm |
Vote against homosexual adoption in VA
Mary Beth Williams
4/1/11 9:21 pm |
Minimum Standards for Licensed Private Child-Placing Agencies [22 VAC 40 ? 131]
Burman Skrable
4/1/11 9:20 pm |
Against-Virginia Administrative Code section 22 VAC 40-131-170
Margaret Talamantes
4/1/11 9:19 pm |
Christian Adoption Agencies within the state of Virginia
Heather Hekman
4/1/11 9:16 pm |
Opposed to 22 VAC 40-131
Terese Shearer, private citizen
4/1/11 9:16 pm |
Keep Christian Adoption Agencies for the Commonwealth of Virginia
Kevin F. O'Neill
4/1/11 9:15 pm |
22VAC40-131-170 Part B
jb ghio
4/1/11 9:15 pm |
adoption of children
4/1/11 9:14 pm |
Don't Put Adoption Agencies Out of Business
Lea Oksman
4/1/11 9:13 pm |
Don't force Faith Based Adoptions to end
Tim Massey, Non-Faithful Catholic Schools
4/1/11 9:12 pm |
Proposed language of 22 VAC 40-131-170(B).
Jennifer D.
4/1/11 9:11 pm |
faith based adoption
MaryAnn B.
4/1/11 9:10 pm |
Proposed changes
S Abraham
4/1/11 9:10 pm |
The proposed Virginia Administrative Code section 22 VAC 40-131-170
Doug Brown
4/1/11 9:09 pm |
do not discriminate against adoption agencies that place children with married couples only
Moira Walsh
4/1/11 9:09 pm |
Proposed Virginia Administrative Code section 22 VAC 40-131-170
J Neville
4/1/11 9:09 pm |
Opposition to Proposed regulation 22 VAC 40-131-170(B)
Sherry Murphy
4/1/11 9:07 pm |
Adoption Policies
Kimberley Cooper
4/1/11 9:07 pm |
This is a violation in itself!
Sister IV Sister
4/1/11 9:07 pm |
Proposed regulation 22 VAC 40-131-170 (B)
Irene Starrs
4/1/11 9:05 pm |
Opposed to gay adoption
4/1/11 9:05 pm |
Protect Christian adoption agencies!
Bryan Sims
4/1/11 9:05 pm |
Proposed Regulation 22 VAC 40-131-170(B)
N. Monsour
4/1/11 9:04 pm |
Re: The new regulation for Christian adoption Agencies:
Mary J. Fox
4/1/11 9:03 pm |
The discrimination language does not help children
Gregory M. Beatty
4/1/11 9:02 pm |
I am against 22 VAC 40-131-170(B)
Michael Turner
4/1/11 9:01 pm |
Non-Discrimination clause/use of gender
Thomas Bayer
4/1/11 9:00 pm |
adoption agency changes
Marysandra Draude--retired teacher
4/1/11 9:00 pm |
Joanne Chancey
4/1/11 8:58 pm |
preserve faith based adoption agencies
Another Virginia Resident
4/1/11 8:55 pm |
Freedom of religion
Jo Ann Baughman
4/1/11 8:55 pm |
Proposed Virginia Administrative Code section 22 VAC 40-131-170
Sherry L. Collins
4/1/11 8:54 pm |
not hate, just sound reason
4/1/11 8:51 pm |
Michael Rachiele
4/1/11 8:51 pm |
4/1/11 8:50 pm |
Please respect religious rights
Mark S. Rutledge
4/1/11 8:49 pm |
Protect private adoption agencies
Margaret Crowder
4/1/11 8:48 pm |
Do Not Let Same Sex Couples Adopt
Linda LHeureux
4/1/11 8:47 pm |
Freedom of Religion is Guaranteed!!!
Edward (SSGRichDAV) Richardson
4/1/11 8:47 pm |
A Reason to Blush
Betty Wells
4/1/11 8:46 pm |
K J - VA resident
4/1/11 8:46 pm |
Promote the best parenting
Royce Yates
4/1/11 8:46 pm |
Don't legalize religious discrimination.
Steven Tuers
4/1/11 8:45 pm |
please protect the christain adoption centers
Ted Roebuck
4/1/11 8:45 pm |
please keep adoptive regulations as currently written. Your new regulation will stop adoptive servic
Dennis Mallen
4/1/11 8:43 pm |
22VAC 40-131-170(B) BAD IDEA
A Concerned Virginia Voter
4/1/11 8:42 pm |
please keep adoptive regulations as currently written. Your new regulation will stop adoptive servic
Dennis Mallen
4/1/11 8:42 pm |
May the Lord deliver us
John Pham
4/1/11 8:42 pm |
Do not take away the gift of adoption
4/1/11 8:40 pm |
Opposed to Regulation 22 VAC 40-131-170(B)
Dore Schupack
4/1/11 8:40 pm |
Please Respect Religious and Private Entity Freedoms
Sandra Poff, Virginia Resident
4/1/11 8:39 pm |
Private adoption proposed regulations.
John Klassen
4/1/11 8:38 pm |
preserve marraige and right values
kimberly berkley
4/1/11 8:38 pm |
restricting/prohibiting religious child placement and adoptive services.
Ron Wilson
4/1/11 8:38 pm |
Don't drive religious foster care and adoption agencies out of business!
Dave Przybylski
4/1/11 8:37 pm |
Virginia Administrative code section 22VAC40-131-170
Ruth Neumann
4/1/11 8:36 pm |
Allow Faith based foster and child care agencies continue
Janel Rose
4/1/11 8:36 pm |
The State must stay separated from the church. Faith-based adoptions are no exception.
Diane Buster
4/1/11 8:33 pm |
As an adoptive parent...
Adoptive parent
4/1/11 8:33 pm |
Opposition to Virginia Administrative Code section 22 VAC 40-131-170
Elliott Kissam
4/1/11 8:33 pm |
Oppose new Virginia Social Service regulations
James Cascione
4/1/11 8:32 pm |
No protection for Christian agencies
Barrett Turner
4/1/11 8:32 pm |
opposition toPart IV, B
Chris Miller, citizen
4/1/11 8:31 pm |
Don't hurt needy children
James H Hrubesh
4/1/11 8:31 pm |
Religious Adoption Agencies
Mr & Mrs Len Hackett
4/1/11 8:30 pm |
Protect religious institutions
Erica Harper
4/1/11 8:30 pm |
Stable home life
Larry Wetzel
4/1/11 8:29 pm |
Please do not discrimate against private adoption agencies.
Karen Pomes, Houston Coalition for Life
4/1/11 8:28 pm |
4/1/11 8:27 pm |
Opposed to Virginia Administrative Code section 22 VAC 40-131-170
Barb Chamberlan
4/1/11 8:26 pm |
Protect the Catholic adoption agencies in our state
Leticia, Catholic
4/1/11 8:25 pm |
Please reject the proposed language of 22VAC40-131-170(B)
Daniel and Michelle Jacobeen
4/1/11 8:25 pm |
Anne Marie Draganowski
4/1/11 8:25 pm |
legislation regarding Religious adoption agencies
Carolyn Giordano
4/1/11 8:24 pm |
freedom of religion and redefining "normal" sexuality
Carla, graduate counseling student, Messianic Jew
4/1/11 8:23 pm |
Christian adoption agencies
Gery Williams
4/1/11 8:23 pm |
I Oppose Proposed Virginia Administrative Code section 22 VAC 40-131-170
Virginia Resident
4/1/11 8:23 pm |
Protect rights of private adoption agencies to choose where they place children
Stephen Beach, student Seton Hall University
4/1/11 8:20 pm |
I Strongly Oppose of 22VAC40-131-170 Part B
B. Rivera
4/1/11 8:20 pm |
The abuse of a good does not diminish the good of a good
Scott Vezina
4/1/11 8:20 pm |
I'm with National Organization for Marriage on this one
Lucy Tucker
4/1/11 8:17 pm |
Christian Foster Care and Adoptive Agencies
Rev. David Ray Sr.
4/1/11 8:17 pm |
The proposed section 22 VAC 40-131-170 is a Bad Idea
Gene Dwyer, small business owner
4/1/11 8:16 pm |
Faith based adoption agencies
Bethany Warner
4/1/11 8:15 pm |
Defend Adoption
Ed Murphy
4/1/11 8:15 pm |
Virginia CPA standatds
Timothy E. Maurer
4/1/11 8:15 pm |
Proposed Regulation 22 VAC 40-131-170 is Evil
Sean Smith
4/1/11 8:15 pm |
Worried about sexual orientation portion
Joshua Johanson
4/1/11 8:14 pm |
Please don't shut down religious agencies
Cassia Seibel
4/1/11 8:14 pm |
Opposition to proposed regulation 22 VAC 40-131-170(B)
Kate Higbee
4/1/11 8:13 pm |
22 VAC 40-131-170 (B)
Rebecca West, adoption through America World Adoption Agency
4/1/11 8:13 pm |
Florentino Ruiz
4/1/11 8:12 pm |
Why stop at gay bashing?
Dave Berg
4/1/11 8:12 pm |
Regulation of Adoption Services
Beth Turner
4/1/11 8:11 pm |
Minerva Calderon
4/1/11 8:11 pm |
A Recovering Sex Addict's Opinion
John D
4/1/11 8:11 pm |
Oppose 22VAC 40-131-170
Christina Yip
4/1/11 8:10 pm |
Bad One-sided Adoption Proposal
Victor Sciarrino
4/1/11 8:10 pm |
Regs on homosexual adoption
Julie and Jim Farrell
4/1/11 8:08 pm |
Proposed changes to licensing requirements for adoption agencies
Karen Johnson Moy, America World Adoption
4/1/11 8:07 pm |
Driving religious foster care and adoption agencies out of business
abby schult, citizen
4/1/11 8:07 pm |
Strongly opposed to overbroad "nondiscrimination" language
Lawrence and Mary Kapp
4/1/11 8:06 pm |
Child Care and Adoption Agencies
Pastor A. Wayne Duffield, RPCNA
4/1/11 8:05 pm |
Lorna Pollock
4/1/11 8:05 pm |
Stop!----discrimating against religous adoptive agencies
Roger & Barbara Barcal
4/1/11 8:02 pm |
Virginia Administrative Code section 22 VAC 40-131-170
Ray Cloutier
4/1/11 8:02 pm |
Opposed to Proposed Virginia Administrative Code section 22 VAC 40-131-170
Deborah Schaefer
4/1/11 8:01 pm |
Consider Your Ways of Imposition Against the Most Vulnerable: Children
c. morris
4/1/11 7:59 pm |
Proposed regulatory action on private adoption agencies
Mrs. Colleen Loughmiller, retired sales, grandmother and patriot
4/1/11 7:59 pm |
opposition to Proposed regulation 22 VAC 40-131-170(B)
Len Rice
4/1/11 7:59 pm |
It's not fair to the children or the prospective parents.
R. McGowen
4/1/11 7:58 pm |
Proposed Virginia Administrative Code section 22 VAC 40-131-170
Doug LeCheminant
4/1/11 7:57 pm |
Proposed Administrative Code Section 22 VAC 40-131-170
Christopher Faust
4/1/11 7:54 pm |
DO NOT PASS Proposed Virginia Administrative Code section 22 VAC 40-131-170
4/1/11 7:54 pm |
Standing on the Side of Love
David Blomberg
4/1/11 7:53 pm |
Opposition to proposed regulatory changes to child placing agencies
M Daugherty
4/1/11 7:52 pm |
Keep the Christian
C. Osborne
4/1/11 7:51 pm |
In the best interest of the child
Ajibola Peter-koyi
4/1/11 7:51 pm |
adoption by same sex partners
Barbara Brownell
4/1/11 7:50 pm |
Opposition to this Regulation
Virginia Voter
4/1/11 7:49 pm |
Where is the love?
Wade Steenburgh
4/1/11 7:49 pm |
Adoption laws
Mary Kelly
4/1/11 7:49 pm |
Faith Based Adoption
Randi Doan
4/1/11 7:48 pm |
Children need families
Jennifer McCarthy
4/1/11 7:43 pm |
Discriminating against faith-based organizations.
Ramon Tenorio, member of Grace Gospel Church, Swansea, MA.
4/1/11 7:42 pm |
Opposed to new regulations
Julie Peetz, Mother of an Adopted Child
4/1/11 7:41 pm |
We support this regulation ensuring that more children will have good, loving and healthy homes
Janna Constantine
4/1/11 7:41 pm |
grave concern about proposed legislation
Lyrad Riley MD
4/1/11 7:41 pm |
Minimum Standards for Licensed Private Child-Placing Agencies [22 VAC 40 ? 131]
Edgar Doleman
4/1/11 7:41 pm |
Attacks on morally centered adoption agencies
4/1/11 7:40 pm |
Religious Freedom
Anna Schiavone
4/1/11 7:40 pm |
Please OPPOSE VAC 40-131-170
Rick Garside, voter
4/1/11 7:39 pm |
Concerning Proposed DSS Adoption Agency Regulations
Robert and Elizabeth Weeber
4/1/11 7:39 pm |
Oppose Proposed Virginia Administrative Code section 22 VAC 40-131-170
Karin M. Burke, attorney and activist
4/1/11 7:38 pm |
Adoption Changes
hastings masterson
4/1/11 7:37 pm |
Opposed to New Adoption Policy
Daniel Gilbert, Ph.D.
4/1/11 7:37 pm |
adoption by homosexual couples
Curtis R Bratcher
4/1/11 7:37 pm |
Proposed Virginia Administrative Code section 22 VAC 40-131-170 discriminates against the child
John E Audritsh
4/1/11 7:36 pm |
Faith Based agencies should be allowed to keep operating as and under the heading of a faith based a
Myra Fazenbaker
4/1/11 7:36 pm |
Unfair to children
Beverly Liberman
4/1/11 7:34 pm |
Christian? Not so much.
Jo Anne Paul
4/1/11 7:34 pm |
Christian? Not so much.
Jo Anne Paul
4/1/11 7:33 pm |
Don't hurt needy children
Sharon Sulikowski, Private Citizen
4/1/11 7:33 pm |
Gay Way & Christian Adoption - NO WAY !
4/1/11 7:33 pm |
Do not agree with State Board of Social Services
Joseph Marion, Resident of Virginia
4/1/11 7:32 pm |
Opposition to proposed changes in adoption law
Martha Gabriel
4/1/11 7:32 pm |
Forcing Faith-Based Agencies out of business
Justin Blicks
4/1/11 7:31 pm |
Adoption placement
Joan Liut
4/1/11 7:31 pm |
I am a Virginian
Gary Byrne
4/1/11 7:30 pm |
Do Not Force Your Homosexual Worldview on the rest of us
Joe Lyon
4/1/11 7:28 pm |
David W Hamel
4/1/11 7:27 pm |
Don't muzzle morals, especially by bypassing Virginia Code
Matthew G. von Hobe
4/1/11 7:26 pm |
In Opposition to New Regulations for Adoption Agencies
Kelly Wakelin
4/1/11 7:26 pm |
Jim Ollie
4/1/11 7:24 pm |
4/1/11 7:24 pm |
Biblical nuclear family
Jared Bristol, retired
4/1/11 7:23 pm |
Jenn C
4/1/11 7:21 pm |
Virginia regulation of Christian agencies
4/1/11 7:20 pm |
22 VAC 40-131-170(B)
4/1/11 7:20 pm |
Don't Discriminate Against Christian Organizations
Bud Sempsrott
4/1/11 7:20 pm |
Adoption Agencies
Vern Fisher
4/1/11 7:20 pm |
Do what's best for children, not adults.
Betsy Kerekes
4/1/11 7:18 pm |
adoption policy change by Dept. of Social Services
Margaret A. Gregory
4/1/11 7:18 pm |
Proposed Change to Licensing Requirements
Ellen Ayers
4/1/11 7:17 pm |
Is this constitutional???
P. Schoder
4/1/11 7:17 pm |
Regulatory Overreach
David Kruegel
4/1/11 7:17 pm |
This country was founded on religious freedom.
4/1/11 7:16 pm |
mndate equal treatment for gay people and gay families in adoption
Eric Steidinger Ward
4/1/11 7:16 pm |
adoption discrimination
lupe gwiazdowski
4/1/11 7:16 pm |
Karen Andrade
4/1/11 7:15 pm |
Please preserve faith-based adoption.
Trey Stanford
4/1/11 7:14 pm |
This is past ridiculous
Paul Chamberlain
4/1/11 7:14 pm |
NO on Virginia Administrative Code section 22 VAC 40-131-170!
Jim Trear
4/1/11 7:13 pm |
Dept. of Social & Health Services in regard to Adoption
Les & Landra Skelly
4/1/11 7:13 pm |
Do not force churches/faith-based agencies to violate their consciences and moral beliefs
Jeff Shawver
4/1/11 7:11 pm |
STOP Proposed Virginia Administrative Code section 22 VAC 40-131-170
Sheila McKnight
4/1/11 7:10 pm |
Opposed: Why oppress private adoption agencies?
Bill Powell
4/1/11 7:10 pm |
I oppose Proposed Virginia Administrative Code section 22 VAC 40-131-170
Steven Joerger
4/1/11 7:10 pm |
4/1/11 7:09 pm |
Adoption regulation
Patrick Mc Enerney
4/1/11 7:09 pm |
Proposed Virginia Administrative Code section 22 VAC 40-131-170 - sexual orientation
M Gedeon
4/1/11 7:07 pm |
Prejudices against families of faith
Cynthia C. Moyers
4/1/11 7:07 pm |
Adoption and foster care regulation
Ken Siemens
4/1/11 7:06 pm |
This is outrageous
R. Gibbs
4/1/11 7:06 pm |
I oppose this regulation
4/1/11 7:06 pm |
Discrimination against adoptive parents who hold historic Judeo-Christian values
Raymond J Leaf
4/1/11 7:05 pm |
Don't give in to fundamentalists of any stripe
John Kelly, Jeffersonians for Justice
4/1/11 7:04 pm |
Virginia Adoption Policy
Rosetta M
4/1/11 7:04 pm |
adoption agency changes
Earl Hawkes
4/1/11 7:03 pm |
One Man, One Woman
Hershel Bigham
4/1/11 7:02 pm |
Virginia Resident/Adoptive Parent
4/1/11 7:02 pm |
Only Bisexuals should be allowed to adopt
Richard Goesinya
4/1/11 7:02 pm |
Objection to proposed new regulations
Len Rusciani
4/1/11 7:01 pm |
Proposed 22 VAC 40-131-170(B)
Jacquelyn I Kruse
4/1/11 7:01 pm |
Children NEED a mother and a father!!!!
Sandy Murphy
4/1/11 7:01 pm |
Homosexual adoption
Evelyn L. Robertson
4/1/11 7:00 pm |
Glenn Beck's wife had an abortion
Ahard Eghrection
4/1/11 7:00 pm |
Christian adoption
Kevin Mooney
4/1/11 6:59 pm |
Remove the referral to "sexual orientation" which can harm children, okay
Robert Koomans, Uniting God Believers
4/1/11 6:58 pm |
private adoption agencies rights of religous convictions
dan judge
4/1/11 6:57 pm |
I am opposed to 22 VAC 40-131-170(B)
Marguerite Palizzi
4/1/11 6:56 pm |
Adoption by same sex couples
4/1/11 6:56 pm |
Children need loving homes and sexual orientation doesn't matter. Care of children trumps bigotry.
Jennifer White
4/1/11 6:54 pm |
Proposed Virginia Administrative Code section 22 VAC 40-131-170
R. Scott Turicchi
4/1/11 6:52 pm |
This is a bad idea
VA resident
4/1/11 6:52 pm |
Beyond comprehension....
Ron Cottle, Recovery International
4/1/11 6:52 pm |
Minimum Standards for Licensed Private Child-Placing Agencies [22 VAC 40 ? 131]
Jim McLean
4/1/11 6:52 pm |
Adoption and Foster care
Dr. Francis Bane
4/1/11 6:51 pm |
22 VAC 40-131-170
Ellen M. Butler
4/1/11 6:51 pm |
Freedom of Conscience
Jessica Wheeler
4/1/11 6:51 pm |
Wrong direction- please preserve some moral values for children. Homosexuality is a sin. End.
Greg Ahlemann
4/1/11 6:51 pm |
Cruel Adapotion Restrictions
Steve Idzik, EOL Respect Life Committee
4/1/11 6:50 pm |
Amanda DuBose
4/1/11 6:50 pm |
leave private adoption agencies alone!!!
Sharice Rascoe
4/1/11 6:49 pm |
I support this change, with nuance
Martin MacKerel
4/1/11 6:48 pm |
Legislated non-morality
George Elrod
4/1/11 6:48 pm |
Rev. Rachel Clein-Cunningham
4/1/11 6:48 pm |
Adoption Agency Proposed Regulation
4/1/11 6:48 pm |
Protect God fearing agencies in VA Now
Joshua Lieder
4/1/11 6:48 pm |
Please don't force Christian agencies to close
Jennifer P.
4/1/11 6:47 pm |
Adoption rules
Kathleen Jones
4/1/11 6:47 pm |
Christian Adaption Agencies MUST be protected!
Charle Metzenberg
4/1/11 6:46 pm |
house wife
4/1/11 6:46 pm |
The Course of Sense Seems Lost
Brad Hodges
4/1/11 6:45 pm |
NO to regulation 22 VAC 40-131-170(B).
Mrs. Nicole A. Robinson
4/1/11 6:45 pm |
proposed Social Service Adoption Standards
Dorothea Edsall
4/1/11 6:43 pm |
Opposition to 22VAC 40-131-170B
Edwin Hendrix, Adoptive Dad
4/1/11 6:43 pm |
Against the proposal to force faith based adoption organizations to orchestrate homosexual adoptions
Jennifer Watkins
4/1/11 6:43 pm |
Regulatory Action involving lifting any restrictions on child placement
Kristin Harrison
4/1/11 6:43 pm |
Child placement
Debra Walker
4/1/11 6:42 pm |
Protect Christian adoption agencies. (fixed typographical errors)
Andy Breglia
4/1/11 6:42 pm |
Do not pass this bill.
Teresa Buoninfante
4/1/11 6:42 pm |
Opposition to New Proposed Standards
4/1/11 6:42 pm |
Healthy foster families are good for foster children
Frank Bulk
4/1/11 6:41 pm |
Adoption should not be restricted by sexual orientation
Hugh Eckert
4/1/11 6:41 pm |
Opposition to the new wording additions to adoption codes
Dawn Rolando - adoptive parent
4/1/11 6:41 pm |
Oppose new Viginia regulation on adoption
Norman T Erekson
4/1/11 6:38 pm |
Please make children your priority
Louantha Kerr
4/1/11 6:37 pm |
Do not discriminate against faith based adoption agencies
Brady Whatley
4/1/11 6:36 pm |
Protect Christian adoption agencies.
Andy Breglia
4/1/11 6:35 pm |
Proposal Number 22 VAC 40-131-170(B) by the Virginia Department of Social Services
Joyce Thomas
4/1/11 6:35 pm |
Oppose 22VAC40-131-170 Part B
Kristina Picha
4/1/11 6:35 pm |
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Shaffer
4/1/11 6:34 pm |
Don't throw out Christian Adoption Agencies
Charla Gardner
4/1/11 6:34 pm |
keep faith-based family services
Denisa Myrick
4/1/11 6:33 pm |
Against new proposed regulations on faith based adoption agencies
Jane Greenwood
4/1/11 6:32 pm |
Proposed Regulation 22 VAC 40-131-170(B) is deeply problematic
Andrew Olson
4/1/11 6:32 pm |
Good Parents is the ONLY qualification needed.
T Andrew
4/1/11 6:30 pm |
Adoption by Homosexuals
Mary Ellen Roemer
4/1/11 6:29 pm |
Adoption should be about the needs and best interests of children, not rights of adults
Kathleen Crank-Protect Marriage MD
4/1/11 6:29 pm |
Please respect faith-based adoption agencies
Pat Tyma
4/1/11 6:29 pm |
Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt
4/1/11 6:29 pm |
Virginia Administrative Code section 22 VAC 40-131-170
Private Citizen
4/1/11 6:29 pm |
Virginia Administrative Code section 22 VAC 40-131-170
Private Citizen
4/1/11 6:29 pm |
Christian Adoption agencies
Carol Brown
4/1/11 6:28 pm |
4/1/11 6:27 pm |
Same-sex adoption
Andrew Boulton
4/1/11 6:27 pm |
Against Regulation 22 VAC 40-131-170(B)
Morgan Tanner
4/1/11 6:25 pm |
Christian Adoption Agencies
Roger Brown
4/1/11 6:25 pm |
Don't adopt this regulation!
Kelley Way
4/1/11 6:25 pm |
Prohibition of Private Adoption Agencies from Making Placement Decisions based on Sexual Orientation
Anthony Restivo
4/1/11 6:21 pm |
Concerning Licensed Private Child Placing Agencies
Julianne Wiley
4/1/11 6:21 pm |
I Appose Regulation 22 VAC 40-131-170(B)
Kristyn Phipps
4/1/11 6:13 pm |
Christian Adoption agencies
Carol Brown
4/1/11 6:13 pm |
Opposition to the new wording additions to adoption codes
Dawn Rolando - adoptive parent
4/1/11 6:13 pm |
Christian Adoption agencies
Carol Brown
4/1/11 6:12 pm |
So does a (perceived) SIN prevent you from adopting now?
Stop Hypocrisy Now
4/1/11 6:12 pm |
So does a (perceived) SIN prevent you from adopting now?
Stop Hypocrisy Now
4/1/11 6:12 pm |
George Davis
4/1/11 6:12 pm |
So does a (perceived) SIN prevent you from adopting now?
Stop Hypocrisy Now
4/1/11 6:12 pm |