Action | Adopt new standards for licensed private child-placing agencies. |
Stage | Proposed |
Comment Period | Ended on 4/1/2011 |
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There is absolutely no need to add sexual orientation to the list of "protected" classes. It is completely unnecessary. Additionally, as a parent who is involved in an adoption through a religious placing agency, you are truly biting your nose to spite your face to limit these agencies in any way. They do a great service to the children and indeed many birthmothers prefer to go through religious organizations.
Political correctness is running amok yet again in Richmond! Allowing non-married homosexual couples to adopt flies in the face of VA's definition of marriage and undermines the family. Someone's sexual orientation is NOT a separate race nor should it be equivalent to one in the eyes of the law. If private or religious adoption agencies allow adoption to homosexual couples then so be it but this should not be mandated or forced on any agency especially those who do not agree. This is not a dictatorship but a democracy.