Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
Public Comment Forum

General Notice: Public Notice - Intent to Amend the State Plan - Avoidable ER Claims and Hospital Readmissions

CLOSED     Opened on 5/20/2020 and Ended on 6/19/2020

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Comment Title Commenter
Detrimental Impact of the ER Utilization Program Richard Gill, MD  6/19/20  10:38 pm
ER utilization program John P. Riordan, MD, MSc  6/19/20  10:37 pm
DMAS letter Komal Dhir, Emergency Physician  6/19/20  10:27 pm
the ER is the only place they can get care dont do this to the poor and homeless  6/19/20  10:26 pm
Medicaid reimbursement Mechelle Ledwith CEPMV  6/19/20  10:15 pm
Emergency Room Visits Albert He, Emergency Physician  6/19/20  10:06 pm
Stop Automatic Downcoding to protect vulnerable Medicaid patients Leah Frank, MHS, PA-C, Emergency Physicians of Tidewater  6/19/20  8:36 pm
Medicaid reimbursement Zachary Dillon, M.D.  6/19/20  8:28 pm
Save the emergency medical safety net for Virginians and stop the ER Utilization Program Brian Anderson, MD. FACEP Centra Health  6/19/20  8:08 pm
ER Utilization Program is Dangerous and Bad for Virginians Russell Goldstein, MD - Alteon Health  6/19/20  6:23 pm
Strong Opposition to the proposed ER utilization reimbursement schedule Blaise MacEachern, MD  6/19/20  6:08 pm
Protect Our Patients Charles Sheldon, MD, FACEP  6/19/20  5:58 pm
Don't Harm ER Patients Emergency Physicians of Tidewater  6/19/20  5:57 pm
ER Utilization and Readmission Penalties Keenan Caldwell Vice President, Government Relations Sentara Healthcare  6/19/20  5:52 pm
STOP cuts to ED reimbursement for prudent layperson concerns Teresa M ross, MD Virginia Hospital Center  6/19/20  5:40 pm
Stop the ER Utilization program reimbursement cuts Jay Kugler, DO FACEP Commonwealth Emergency Physicians  6/19/20  5:32 pm
Comment to DMAS on the Emergency Room Utilization Program Clark Barrineau, The Medical Society of Virginia  6/19/20  5:24 pm
Stop this legislation Jeffrey Morgan, MD, Richmond Emergency Physicians Inc  6/19/20  5:01 pm
Stop the ER Utilization program reimbursement cuts Lawrence Leslie, MD  6/19/20  4:40 pm
Reconsider ER Utilization Program Kathryn Mutter, MD, MPH  6/19/20  4:18 pm
Stop ER Utilization Program INOVA ED  6/19/20  4:13 pm
Avoidable ER Claims and Hospital Readmissions Melinda Hancock, VCU Health System  6/19/20  4:09 pm
DMAS: Impact of the ER Utilization Program Daniel Hawkins MD, UVA  6/19/20  3:55 pm
Violation of CMS (Federal Regulations) & Trampling of “Prudent Layperson” Legislation Peter J. Paganussi, MD, FACEP  6/19/20  3:45 pm
ER Utilization Program Failure Heather Lounsbury, MD  6/19/20  3:36 pm
Just say no Grayson Goldman DO; REPI  6/19/20  3:12 pm
Stop this legislation Jeffrey Mason, Richmond Emergency Physicians Inc  6/19/20  2:58 pm
please stop the legislation Ashley Zelenak MD, Richmond Emergency Physicians  6/19/20  2:45 pm
Harm to patients Robert E. O'Connor  6/19/20  2:44 pm
Please Margaret Sande, MD  6/19/20  2:26 pm
Hospital Readmissions Brent Rawlings on behalf of Virginia Hospital & Healthcare Association  6/19/20  2:18 pm
STOP!! ER utilization program Nicole Curry PA-C  6/19/20  2:17 pm
Avoidable ER Claims Brent Rawlings on behalf of Virginia Hospital & Healthcare Association  6/19/20  2:17 pm
DMAS must stop the implementation of the Emergency utilization program. Sara F. Sutherland, MD, MBA, FACEP, UVA Health System  6/19/20  2:16 pm
Unfair reimbursement Oliver Agustin  6/19/20  1:51 pm
Unfair reimbursement plan Darrielle Blum  6/19/20  1:39 pm
Comments on new Virginia Medicaid reimbursement policy Kendall Shaw, VCUHS  6/19/20  1:30 pm
Stop the ER utilization program. The prudent layperson standard exists for a reason. Christopher Thom, MD, UVAHealth  6/19/20  1:29 pm
Stop DMAS Katharine Fayad, MD CEPMV  6/19/20  12:36 pm
ER and Readmissions Comment Anthony Keck, Ballad Health  6/19/20  12:34 pm
Severe Errors in Design of ER Utilization Program Marc Kealhofer, ScM; MD/PhD student (Virginia Commonwealth University SOM)  6/19/20  12:30 pm
Stop the DMAS ER utilization program Lewis Siegel, Chesapeake Emergency Physicians  6/19/20  12:17 pm
Is a pandemic the right time to lower payments to hospitals? Bradley Conlin - Medical Student / Former Paramedic  6/19/20  12:15 pm
Protect our Patients Brooke Lindborg, MD  6/19/20  12:08 pm
Re: Stop Unfair reimbursement proposal Michelle Pyka, DePaul Medical Center  6/19/20  12:07 pm
STOP the suggested ER Reimbursement For Preventable Causes amendment Dr Kevin Connelly  6/19/20  12:04 pm
Stop the ER Utilization in Program in Virginia Robert Wilson. Emergency Medicine Physician, Richmond, VA  6/19/20  11:59 am
DMAS Stop the ER Utilization Program Thomas L Vizioli Jr, Emergency Physicians of Tidewater  6/19/20  11:59 am
Preventable ED Visits Christopher Carpenter  6/19/20  11:55 am
STOP the proposed Emergency Reimbursement policy Connor Carry, MD - VCU Health  6/19/20  11:50 am
Please stop the ER Utilization Program in Virginia Brittany Lamb, MD INOVA Loudoun hospital  6/19/20  11:48 am
Stop the ER Utilization Program in Virginia Marwan Jaber, MD, ER physician with CEP at Inova Loudon Hospital, Leesburg  6/19/20  11:41 am
Humble Urge for Reversal of ER Utilization Program James Chung, Eastern Virginia Medical School  6/19/20  11:39 am
Stop ER Utilization Program. David Lala, PA-C, Emergency Physicians of Tidewater  6/19/20  11:38 am
DMAS downcoding of Medicaid Emergency Department Visits Michael Joseph Bono, MD. Emergency Physicians of Tidewater  6/19/20  11:35 am
"Preventable" ER Visits Jonathan Byrne, MD Assistant Director, Sentara Obici Emergency Dept  6/19/20  11:30 am
Cost shift away from Medicaid Hugh Hill MD JD FACEP  6/19/20  11:29 am
Stop ER Utilization Program. Curtis Reiber, VCU SOM  6/19/20  11:28 am
Limiting patient access to care Jagadish Potluri MD, CEP  6/19/20  11:23 am
Please delay or cancel implementation of these changes to the State Plan Jake O'Shea, MD; Chief Medical Officer, HCA Healthcare Capital Division  6/19/20  11:19 am
Stop ER utilization program Adam Nyarady PA-C Emergency Physicians of Tidewater  6/19/20  11:15 am
Avoidable ER Claims and Hospital Readmissions Mark Duncan, Riverside Health System  6/19/20  11:07 am
Detrimental impact on Minorities. Pranav Virmani, MD. CEP  6/19/20  10:48 am
Medicaid reimbursement Ginny Khanna CEPMV  6/19/20  10:39 am
Delay DMAS - Support patients and ER physicians Kyle Alexander, VCU School of Medicine Class of 2022  6/19/20  10:34 am
Protect ER Patients Joseph C Mason MD  6/19/20  10:07 am
Medicaid reimbursement changes in Emergency Care Heather M, citizen  6/19/20  9:59 am
ER Utilization Program Christina Johnson  6/19/20  9:36 am
Halt implementation of ER utilization program Austin Reynolds, MD, CEPMV  6/19/20  9:26 am
Opposition of Medicaid Reimbursement Cuts Richard Tan, United States Air Force  6/19/20  8:52 am
Protect vulnerable populations and the people that care for them! Dennis Bernier, DO, Commonwealth Emergency Physicians  6/19/20  7:34 am
Don’t cripple vulnerable patients from getting care Aaron Rudd, DO. Bon Secours Richmond  6/19/20  6:45 am
ER Utilization Program F. Jerome Diskin, MD  6/19/20  6:22 am
Stop the implementation of the ER utilization program Michael Homeyer MD FACEP Commonwealth Emergency Physicians  6/19/20  12:25 am
This Bill Will Damage Patients and ER Providers Alike Josh Long, NP, Winchester Emergency Physicians  6/18/20  11:49 pm
Stop ER DMAS code restriction OrthoVirginia  6/18/20  10:45 pm
Stop ER Utilization Program Aleksandr Zyskin, EVMS Class of 2024  6/18/20  10:30 pm
Stop DMAS Brian Dykstra, EVMS class of 2024  6/18/20  9:30 pm
Stop the ER DMAS program Ronak Shah, MD  6/18/20  9:14 pm
DMAS ER program OrthoVirginia  6/18/20  8:30 pm
Please DO NOT implement DMAS Gabrielle Ransford MD, EVMS  6/18/20  8:11 pm
Stop the ER Utilization Program Caroline Benz  6/18/20  7:52 pm
Stop ER Code restriction Peter Caprise, Orthovirginia  6/18/20  7:19 pm
Stop the ER Utilization program Gretchen Shaar-Hagwood, MD  6/18/20  4:34 pm
Stop the ER Utilization Program Douglas R Landry, MD  6/18/20  3:48 pm
Delay the ER Utilization Program to Ensure Access to Emergency Care & Protect Prudent Layperson Virginia College of Emergency Physicians  6/18/20  3:29 pm
STOP the $14.98 DMAS Emergency Care Reimbursement Policy JEFFREY GERSBACH MD Shenandoah Memorial Hospital Woodstock VA  6/18/20  2:49 pm
ER Utilization Program Carol McCammon MD MPH FACEP  6/18/20  12:42 pm
Do NOT Implement ER Utilization Program Zane Shuck, MD - Emergency Physicians of Tidewater  6/18/20  12:07 am
Stop DMAS Matthew Lillis  6/17/20  11:52 pm
ER UTILIZATION PROGRAM William C Reha MD MBA  6/17/20  11:03 pm
STOP DMAS Kathleen Anderson, MD  6/17/20  10:28 pm
ER Utilization Program Hurts Patients & Physicians Emma Craige, UVA MS-2  6/17/20  10:00 pm
Please stop the "ER Utilization Program" Gavin Rogers, MD RES (EVMS)  6/17/20  10:00 pm
Please oppose Emergency Utilization Bill Adrian Romero, Sentara  6/17/20  9:11 pm
Stop DMAS! Andy Bunch, MD  6/17/20  8:14 pm
ER Utilization Program Wendy Curulla, MD  6/17/20  7:49 pm
Stop DMAS! April Shackleford MD  6/17/20  7:45 pm
ER utilization Carilion Clinic  6/17/20  7:30 pm
Please Protect Virginia's Patients and Hospitals, Stop the ER Utilization Bill Joseph Lang, MD FACEP, ABEM-EMS  6/17/20  7:13 pm
Impact of ER Utilization Program on access to care for Medicaid patients Thomas Wagner, MD FACEP Emergency Physicians of Tidewater  6/17/20  6:46 pm
Undermines EMTALA, Violates Prudent Layperson Standard, and Promotes Health Disparities Trisha Anest MD MPH FACEP  6/17/20  6:31 pm
limiting payment for low acuity ER visits John Knarr  6/17/20  5:37 pm
This legislation is not the solution. Adam Trusty, Eastern Virginia Medical School, MS-2  6/17/20  5:34 pm
er utilization decisions Samuel Dan Caughron  6/17/20  5:19 pm
protect patients; stop implementation of the ER utilization program JHubbard, PA-C, Cheseapeake Regional Emergency Dept  6/17/20  5:10 pm
oppose ER utilization "preventable" illnesses Gregory Zachmann, M.D. Jefferson Surgical Clinic  6/17/20  5:04 pm
ER visits by Medicaid patients and others Ananda Pandurangi, MD, VCU Health  6/17/20  4:11 pm
Downgrading physicians services for Emergency Care Bruce A. Silverman, MD, Charleston Enterprises, LLC  6/17/20  3:15 pm
Do not reduce medicid for "avoidable visits" Ben Chopski DO, VCU Health  6/17/20  3:15 pm
Protect Patients James Spriggs, VCU SOM  6/17/20  3:08 pm
Why punish the rescuers? Dr. Molly Davis, MD  6/17/20  2:54 pm
Save the safety net! Bart Johnson, Shenandoah Emergency Physicians  6/17/20  2:47 pm
ER Utilization Program Jeff Kessel  6/17/20  2:44 pm
ER Utilization Program Lowell Inhorn, MD  6/17/20  2:21 pm
Ensuring Access to Emergency Care by Protecting the Prudent Layperson Standard Katherine Schaffer, EVMS MS-3  6/17/20  2:07 pm
Please don't abandon the "Prudent Layperson" standard Richard L. Manolio, MD, Chesapeake Regional Emergency Department  6/17/20  12:26 pm
HB30 - Medicaid Downcoding budget amendment James Palma; Chesapeake Regional Medical Center  6/17/20  10:32 am
Please STOP DMAS Legislation Kevin Knoop, MD, MS Riverside Health System  6/17/20  10:13 am
If you THINK you are having an emergency, call 911 Ben Fickenscher,  6/17/20  10:05 am
Strongly against the ER Utilization Program proposed changes JASON DELONG, MD  6/17/20  9:40 am
Maintain the Prudent Layperson Standard! Peter Alan Sim, MD, FACEP  6/17/20  9:32 am
Keep the Prudent Layperson standard, not a diagnosis list Leonard Yang, M.D., F.A.C.E.P.  6/16/20  11:58 pm
Protect patients Steven Bauer MD  6/16/20  9:50 pm
Keep patients from dying John Shaner, MD, Riverside Regional Medical Center  6/16/20  9:25 pm
A Guaranteed Way to Close Your Local Emergency Department and Kill Patients Jason Garrison  6/16/20  8:58 pm
Do Not Pass 'ER Utilization Program Edwin McLaughlin MD, Emergency Physicians of Tidewater  6/16/20  7:42 pm
Oppose 12VAC 30-80; bad financially & unjust as well (equity, access, & safety consequences) Paul Mullan, MD, MPH, FAAP, Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters  6/16/20  4:34 pm
More than just a bad idea financially - A morally bad idea: equity, access, and safety consequences Paul Mullan, MD, MPH, FAAP, Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters  6/16/20  4:23 pm
Preventable ER Visit list is bad for Virginia ERs and bad for Virginians. Gary Kavit MD FACEP , Riverside Health System  6/16/20  12:00 pm
Avoidable ER Claims and Hospital Readmissions Curtis Byrd  6/16/20  11:29 am
Do NOT Implement ER Utilization Program Benjamin Chidester, EPT EVMS  6/16/20  2:12 am
Protect patients, not insurance companies Patrick Bourke  6/15/20  3:29 pm
DMAS Manuel Armada  6/15/20  3:02 pm
DMAS Katharine Catlett, MD, Bon Secours Richmond  6/15/20  12:27 pm
DMAS' Preventable ER Visits Audrey Grant, MD., FACEP -Inova ER of Reston/ Herndon  6/15/20  11:57 am
Keep reimbursement levels appropriate for necessary care Morgan North, MS  6/15/20  11:40 am
Keep Emergency Departments Open Jesse Spangler, MD  6/15/20  10:06 am
Stop insurance company lobbyists Jennifer Termeer  6/15/20  10:01 am
Protect patients, not insurance companies Glen Hookey, MD  6/15/20  9:15 am
ER Utilization Program William Azie  6/15/20  8:32 am
Detrimental Impact of ER Utilization Program Elizabeth Tracy, PA, Bon Secours Hampton Roads  6/15/20  7:42 am
We've been down this road Mark Sochor, MD, MS, FACEP - University of Virginia Health System  6/15/20  7:19 am
Please No Dr Lauren Brown, Centra Health  6/15/20  4:07 am
Stop the Implementation of the ER Utilization Program Theodore Tzavaras, MD  6/14/20  11:11 pm
DMAS Douglas Bernstein, MD  6/14/20  9:55 pm
Detrimental Impact of the ER Utilization Program Doug NAssif  6/14/20  9:34 pm
All people deserve care Robert Reiser MD  6/14/20  9:05 pm
Halt Medicaid Downcoding Program Sara McCarthy  6/14/20  6:25 pm
Halt This Legislation Becky Johnson, EVMS MS-4  6/14/20  4:34 pm
Protect Patients Interests and the Prudent Layperson Standard for Emergency Care Charles S. Graffeo MD  6/14/20  3:38 pm
Do NOT implement the ER Utilization Program Emily Harbin, Emergency Physicians of Tidewater  6/14/20  2:57 pm
Please ensure access to emergency care Dr. Rebecca Lipscomb  6/14/20  2:09 pm
MD Joran Sequeira, Bon Secours Richmond  6/14/20  1:35 pm
Do NOT Implement ER Utilization Program AJ Langa, Emergency Physicians of Tidewater  6/14/20  11:43 am
Do NOT Implement ER Utilization program Jessica Grace Cartoski  6/14/20  10:20 am
Stop the Implementation of the ER Utilization Program Francis L Counselman  6/14/20  9:57 am
Please stop this harmful legislation Jeff Leary, MD, Richmond Emergency Physicians  6/14/20  9:57 am
Do NOT Implement ER Utilization program Charles Beaudette MD  6/14/20  9:41 am
Medicaid reimbursement Gregory Lamb, MD. Richmond Emergency Physicians Inc.  6/14/20  8:17 am
ER Utilization program Everett Embrey, MD, FACEP  6/14/20  7:30 am
Stop implementation of the ER utilization program (DMAS) Chris Johnson, Richmond Emergency Physicians, Inc.  6/14/20  7:16 am
STOP DUMAS Cara Marks, MD  6/14/20  5:17 am
STOP the implemtation of the ER utilization program (DMAS) Chris Hughes, Richmond Emergency Physicians, Inc.  6/14/20  3:11 am
Stop this bill Anjeza Cipi  6/13/20  9:26 pm
Stop the ER Utilization Program Cameron Olderog, MD  6/13/20  8:45 pm
Stop the implementation of the ER utilization program (DMAS) Tricia Stolle  6/13/20  5:04 pm
MD matthew jones  6/13/20  4:55 pm
Please stope this harmful bill C. Adam Sawyer, MD, Emergency Physicians of Tidewater  6/13/20  4:11 pm
please stop this harmful legislation, Eleanor Erwin  6/13/20  3:26 pm
dmas charles cole  6/13/20  3:08 pm
Stop the avoidable ED payment adjustment Peter Brooks, EVMS  6/13/20  2:33 pm
STOP the ER Utilization Program Lipika Bhat  6/13/20  1:41 pm
Stop this harmful legislation David Nesbitt  6/13/20  1:39 pm
Stop Detrimental ER utilization program Robert Antoniuk  6/13/20  12:57 pm
STOP the "Avoidable" ED visit payment rate adjustment!!! Jaysun Cousins, MD. Emergency Physicians of Tidewater  6/13/20  12:49 pm
Patients are not doctors - don’t pass this bill. Dr Laura Quint, Inova Fairfax Hospital,  6/13/20  12:40 pm
Stop the implementation of the ER utilization program (DMAS) Julie Myers  6/13/20  12:18 pm
Stop ER Utilization Program in Virginia George Luiskutty  6/13/20  11:59 am
Stop the implementation of the ER utilization program (DMAS) Stewart Martin, M.D., Emergency Physicians of Tidewater  6/13/20  11:48 am
Medicaid reimbursement Eric Deutsch  6/13/20  11:31 am
Stop this bill! Lucie “Tex” Ford, EVMS Emergency Medicine Resident  6/13/20  11:31 am
Preventable ER visit coding Shannon Knapp, MD  6/13/20  11:26 am
Detrimental Impact of the ER Utilization Program Scott Sparks, MD, Riverside Regional Medical Center  6/13/20  11:26 am
Medicaid reimbursement Jared Goldberg,MD  6/13/20  11:24 am
Stop the implementation of the ER utilization program Phillip Jordan, Emergency Physicians of Tidewater and EVMS  6/13/20  11:23 am
Stop the implementation of the ER utilization program (DMAS) Joel C Michael MD FACEP Asst Clinical Professor EVMS School of Medicine  6/13/20  11:12 am
DMAS Dan McCormack, MD  6/13/20  11:11 am
Stop the implementation of the ER utilization program (DMAS) Scott McCann  6/13/20  10:58 am
ER Utilization Program Peter J. Paganussi, M.D., FACEP  6/13/20  10:55 am
Stop the implementation of the ER utilization program (DMAS) Bruce Lo, Emergency Physicians of Tidewater, Eastern Virginia Medical Schoo  6/13/20  10:48 am
Medicaid reimbursement Randal Geldreich,MD  6/13/20  10:43 am
medicaid reimbursement scott hickey, vacep  6/13/20  10:40 am
ED list of preventable visits Christopher Turnbull  6/13/20  10:40 am

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