Comment Title |
Commenter |
Completely against dry needling being practiced by physical therapists.
2/26/17 11:29 pm |
YES to Dry Needling
Andrew Carter, PT, DPT, ATC
2/26/17 9:58 pm |
The procedure of "Dry needling" is legally and medically aligned with Trigger Point Injection
Paige H D Roberts
2/24/17 11:59 pm |
Why dry needling absolutely belongs in physical therapy- from a patient
Anna-Lena Thomas
2/24/17 11:58 pm |
AMA Dry-needling Policy Statement
Lori Kelsey RN DOM
2/24/17 11:56 pm |
Welcome PT like acupuncture , but should be to get adequate training to practice.
Minik Coley
2/24/17 11:54 pm |
Oppose dry needling by Physical Therapists without proficient competency standards
Jill L. Kelly, LAc, DiplAc
2/24/17 11:49 pm |
Support Dry Needling
J. Garcia
2/24/17 11:47 pm |
With training, PT should he allowed to perform dry needling
Brittany Stone
2/24/17 11:39 pm |
Dry needling is acupuncture
Bei Wu, LAc., DOM
2/24/17 11:38 pm |
Oppose PT to practice dry needling
Yueling Li
2/24/17 11:33 pm |
Call it whatever you want but dry needling is part of acupuncture
2/24/17 11:31 pm |
Glitch in Public Access to Acupuncture without MD Referral Fuels Dry-needling Option.
Lori Kelsey DOM
2/24/17 11:23 pm |
Oppose Dry Needling Regulation
Diane M. Lowry, MAcOM, Dipl. O.M. & ABT (NCCAOM), L.Ac., AOBTA®-CP
2/24/17 11:22 pm |
Strong support PT, after get adequate education to practice dry needling
Tony Cai
2/24/17 11:09 pm |
No to Dry Needling
Laura Breeden
2/24/17 11:06 pm |
MDs Stepped-Up on Patient's B2016 Policy Statement Against PT Dry-needling
Lori Kelsey DOM
2/24/17 11:03 pm |
MDs Stepped-Up on Patient's 2016 Policy Statement Against PT Dry-needling
Lori Kelsey DOM
2/24/17 11:03 pm |
Proposed regulation increases costs and limits access
Allen Brooks
2/24/17 11:00 pm |
Dry needling is already within the scope of physical therapy practice!
Jan Dommerholt
2/24/17 10:33 pm |
Dry Needling is Acupuncture. It should not be in the scope of PT's
Aisa Yamaguchi, L.Ac
2/24/17 10:30 pm |
Stressing Science /Evidence for Acupuncture MEDICINE by Acupuncture Professionals
Lori Kelsey DOM
2/24/17 10:30 pm |
NO to Dry needling done by Physical Therapists
Chris Wood
2/24/17 10:27 pm |
"Dry Needling" is Acupuncture
Gabrielle Geib, L.Ac.
2/24/17 10:11 pm |
Safety, Education, and Scope of Practice Concerns with Dry Needling.
Christie Savage, L.Ac.
2/24/17 10:06 pm |
Positive results from PT dry needling
Bruce Conner
2/24/17 10:00 pm |
Benefits of dry needling
Alexandra Griffin
2/24/17 9:56 pm |
No dry needling in CAPTE accreditation standards
Sunny-Kim Barden, L.Ac.
2/24/17 9:48 pm |
Scott Roberts, Roberts Physical Therapy & Massage
2/24/17 9:47 pm |
Here is the Science of Acupuncture Medicine
Lori Kelsey DOM
2/24/17 9:26 pm |
Here is the Science of Acupuncture Medicine
2/24/17 9:22 pm |
dry needling is Acupuncture
Linda Robinson-Hidas MS LicAc Dipl OM (NCCAOM)
2/24/17 9:19 pm |
Dry neeedling done my PT
Andrea Maitland
2/24/17 9:16 pm |
Dry needling is acupuncture
Lex Alt
2/24/17 8:53 pm |
Dry Needling SHOULD be practiced by PT's
Andy Becker SPT
2/24/17 8:49 pm |
Dry Needling and my foot
Patti Rivera
2/24/17 8:46 pm |
Dry needling is most appropriately carried out by the discipline of Physical Therapy
Christine Ruch, RN Reviews, LLC
2/24/17 8:27 pm |
Opposition to "Dry Needling" being added to Physical Therapy Scope
Anthony Von der Muhll, L.Ac., DNBAO, FAAPM
2/24/17 8:20 pm |
Yes to dry needling by PTs!
Justin Fleshman
2/24/17 8:19 pm |
Trigger point dry needling completely appropriate for Physical Therapists
Traci Busker DPT
2/24/17 8:17 pm |
Needles are the bread and butter of acupuncture
Addy Taylor
2/24/17 8:01 pm |
PTs are licensed healthcare professionals with the education and qualifications to safely dry needle
Kate Sammons, SPT
2/24/17 7:55 pm |
PTs absolutely SHOULD be allowed to perform dry needling
Travis Wood
2/24/17 7:54 pm |
Dry needling is acupuncture!
Qiaoli Lei
2/24/17 7:49 pm |
no dry needling for PT
Matt Vaccaro
2/24/17 7:44 pm |
In support of physical therapists doing dry needling
Pat Bogenn
2/24/17 7:36 pm |
Dry needling is safe and effective
Amanda Ganey, SPT
2/24/17 7:17 pm |
Get licensed in Acupuncture
Melissa Mitchell, SPT, L.Ac
2/24/17 7:17 pm |
No to Dry Needling
Alison Winters
2/24/17 7:15 pm |
Very welcome PT to practice acupuncture with adequate education.
Dr. Deng
2/24/17 7:14 pm |
Public Comment to the Virginia Board of Physical Therapy Opposing Proposed 18VAC112-20-121, Practice
Janet L. Borges, MSTCM, Dipl. A.C. and C.H., L.Ac.
2/24/17 7:12 pm |
PT should not practice surgical procedure, dry needling.
Dr. Deng
2/24/17 7:10 pm |
I support Dry Needling as both a provider and patient
Sandra Conran, Bodies in Motion Physical Therapy
2/24/17 7:09 pm |
PT should practice physical therapy, not acupuncture. Inserting needles to h.body is surgical proced
Dr. Deng
2/24/17 7:04 pm |
dry needling for PTs
Tamara Brown
2/24/17 7:03 pm |
Is the Virginia PT Board Failing in its Mandate to Protect the Public?
Matthew Bauer, The Acupuncture Now Foundation
2/24/17 7:02 pm |
In Support of Dry Needling
Amy Augustyn, MS, CCC-SLP
2/24/17 6:42 pm |
Physical therapists have the knowledge and skills to perform dry needling safely and effectively
Amanda Welsher, SPT
2/24/17 6:35 pm |
Acupuncture is better than Dry Needling for sure
Doug McDermott
2/24/17 6:35 pm |
Dry Needling for Physical Therapists Opposed. Too dangerous.
Denise Maletta licensed acupuncturist. New York
2/24/17 6:31 pm |
Physical Therapists SHOULD be allowed to perform dry-needling intervention
Drew Petrucci
2/24/17 6:30 pm |
Dry Needling is not legally in scope of PT - lacks legislative intent. Proponents misrepresenting DN
William Terrell, Iowa Association of Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture
2/24/17 6:21 pm |
Dry Needling is not legally in scope of PT - lacks legislative intent.
William Terrell, Iowa Association of Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture
2/24/17 6:19 pm |
First do no harm
Maria MacKnight, MSAc., L.Ac., Dipl.Ac.(NCCAOM)
2/24/17 5:57 pm |
acupuncture works wonders for me, dry needling by PTs didn't!
Joal Williams
2/24/17 5:26 pm |
Physical Therapists Should be Allowed to Perform Dry Needling
Kyle Lewis, SUPT
2/24/17 5:04 pm |
Physical Therapists wanting to do Acupuncture and call it something else???
Tim Sheehan; Chief Instructor, WCMA;CCMA
2/24/17 4:56 pm |
Dry Needling is Acupuncture.
May Bai
2/24/17 4:56 pm |
I support PTs in the practice of dry needling. They are well trained in anatomy and physiology
Erica Jean
2/24/17 4:52 pm |
Oppose PT dry needling
peter lui
2/24/17 4:46 pm |
Sherry Miller, The Center for Natural Medicine
2/24/17 4:39 pm |
OPPOSED to Dry Needling by PT's
Raven Seltzer, graduate student at NESA/MCPHS University
2/24/17 4:34 pm |
Promulgation of Regulation of Dry Needling Lacks Statutory Authority
Matthew Stanley
2/24/17 4:33 pm |
Had needling done today in PT
Frederick Von Angelman
2/24/17 4:24 pm |
dry needle is part of acupuncture, enough profession training is needed to perform anykind of need
ki yin cheng
2/24/17 4:23 pm |
Dry needling by Physcial Therapists - Opposed
Daniel J. Young ND LAc
2/24/17 4:13 pm |
How is dry needling acupuncture?
Fred loverman
2/24/17 4:12 pm |
PTs SHOULD be able to do dry needling
Anna Wilson
2/24/17 4:10 pm |
Dry Needling is Acupuncture
Jennifer Yeh
2/24/17 3:59 pm |
Against PTs doing needles
Lead Changes Therapy Services
2/24/17 3:58 pm |
"Dry needling" argument for PTs is weak and based on misunderstandings.
Amy Green
2/24/17 3:53 pm |
Opposed to dry needling by PTs
Peter Liebenthal, L.Ac.
2/24/17 3:48 pm |
Dry Needling
Paddy Murphy
2/24/17 3:41 pm |
In support of dry needling for PTs
Jennifer Miner, DPT, CMTPT
2/24/17 3:37 pm |
dry needling good, accupuncture doctor should learn dry needling
guan ling
2/24/17 3:35 pm |
In support of Dry Needle (DN) treatments
Kenna Payne
2/24/17 3:34 pm |
"Dry Needling" is a technique used in Acupuncture
Jaime Chaves
2/24/17 3:27 pm |
For dry needling
Jeanette Meyers
2/24/17 3:22 pm |
no dry needling
Sarah Steed, L. Ac.
2/24/17 3:20 pm |
In support of PT's performing Dry Needling
Harrison Vaughan, PT, DPT, FAAOMPT
2/24/17 3:15 pm |
Dry needling
Michael Hillier. , patient
2/24/17 3:13 pm |
No dry needling
Timoni Slusher
2/24/17 3:10 pm |
Dry Needling/Acupuncture is dangerous for patients when not performed by Licenced Acupuncturist
Joachim Marque
2/24/17 3:09 pm |
Support PT Dry Needling
Malea Stenzel Gilligan
2/24/17 3:02 pm |
Dry needles is acupuncture. Anyone one practice acupuncture must have enough education progrgain it
YawYau Lee , license acupuncturist
2/24/17 2:55 pm |
Yes to PT's performing Dry Needling!
Christina Sotirokos
2/24/17 2:55 pm |
Definition of PT scope of practice: Code of Virginia § 54.1-3473
Sunny-Kim Barden, L.Ac., Academic Collaborative for Integrative Health
2/24/17 2:55 pm |
TDN in PT is great!
George Tallfellow
2/24/17 2:54 pm |
Proper Training for Dry Needling
Lexi Yoder
2/24/17 2:52 pm |
I oppose dry needling
Julie Johnson
2/24/17 2:51 pm |
Safety first. Dry needeling needs more than a weekend education
Heather Vandeburg
2/24/17 2:45 pm |
Dry Needling
Dr. Shelley Sovola, L.Ac., OMD
2/24/17 2:44 pm |
Oppose dry needling by PT without adequate training to ilegal practice
David Cane
2/24/17 2:43 pm |
Opposed to PT's performing dry needling
Carrie Guschewsky
2/24/17 2:32 pm |
Opposition to proposed regulations expanding PT scope to include DN
Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (CCAOM)
2/24/17 2:17 pm |
The American Medical Association's new policy say equivalent training necessary for dry needling.
William Alexander, LAc
2/24/17 2:08 pm |
No dry needling for under trained therapists
Marie Amato
2/24/17 2:03 pm |
PT doing Dry Needling
John Hou, M.S.,A.P.
2/24/17 1:58 pm |
No dry needling
Donna Guthery LA. C
2/24/17 1:58 pm |
Definitely NO to Physicians Dry needling without Acupuncture license
South Baylo University/ASVA
2/24/17 1:50 pm |
"Dry Needling" is acupuncture and requires extensive training.
Grace Rollins
2/24/17 1:45 pm |
Dry Needling
Cathy Jaynes, PhD, RN
2/24/17 1:44 pm |
Opposition to "dry needling" (acupuncture) by PTs.
Ash Goddard, Washington East Asian Medicine Association
2/24/17 1:44 pm |
Needling is in scope of PT practice
Dr. Jim Connor
2/24/17 1:14 pm |
In support of protecting physical therapist practice
D. Sharon Petrelle
2/24/17 1:12 pm |
No To PT Dry Needling
Marc Greenstein LMT, MS, LAc
2/24/17 1:10 pm |
Stop PT practicing dry needle
2/24/17 1:05 pm |
No to Dry Needling
Zachary Nelms
2/24/17 1:02 pm |
No to Dry Needling
April Bui, LAC
2/24/17 12:55 pm |
Dry needling
Tim E. Reese
2/24/17 12:54 pm |
In support of PT's dry needling
2/24/17 12:51 pm |
Needling is PT good
Xu Zi
2/24/17 12:51 pm |
TDN in PT is needed
Jorge Louis
2/24/17 12:49 pm |
George Black
2/24/17 12:48 pm |
TDN in PT is amazing
John White
2/24/17 12:46 pm |
YES to TDN in PT.
Bryan Vaughn, SPT
2/24/17 12:44 pm |
Dry Needling
Marian Callahan M.S., L.Ac
2/24/17 12:38 pm |
Dry Needling is Dangerous
Joseph Clarke
2/24/17 12:31 pm |
no to PT do acupuncture . Only license AC can do it.
Jocelyn Moreno
2/24/17 12:29 pm |
Dryneedling legislation
Cynthiaann Hayes-Hurst
2/24/17 12:21 pm |
Needling takes years of training
Rylan Thompson
2/24/17 12:18 pm |
Dry Needling. it's been essential for me to receive this treatment when exercise alone wasn't enough
Herbie Namvari
2/24/17 12:16 pm |
Dry Needling is Acupuncture and Must be Treated as Such
Iowa Association of Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture
2/24/17 12:14 pm |
Dry Needle Regulation
Lorraine Lavenita
2/24/17 12:13 pm |
Dry needles are not acu-needles
Ashley Steffensen
2/24/17 12:11 pm |
Against 18VAC112-20-121
Felicia Tai Roos
2/24/17 12:10 pm |
Don't combine professions.
Eloise Albrecht
2/24/17 12:01 pm |
Dry needling is dangerous
Kristin Misik
2/24/17 12:00 pm |
Dry needling is acupuncture
Martin Eisele, L.Ac., Evergreen Acupuncture
2/24/17 11:41 am |
American Medical Association says NO
Kate Johnston, L.Ac., PhD.
2/24/17 11:40 am |
PTs should be able to do trigger point dry needling
Dallas Simons PT, SCS, ATC
2/24/17 11:39 am |
TN Acupuncture Council Strongly Opposes This Regulation
Sarah Prater, L.Ac. Tennessee Acupuncture Council
2/24/17 11:34 am |
no to PT do acupuncture . Only license AC can do it
Haifeng cao
2/24/17 11:34 am |
Dry needling by PTs with as little as a weekend workshop in acupuncture
Sunny Lan
2/24/17 11:28 am |
YES to dry needling. Dry Needling is NOT acupuncture.
Lynda Dove-Garcia
2/24/17 11:27 am |
Nomenclature argument is ridiculous--I learned how to make a drug SOME people call "aspirin"
Shannon Mayo
2/24/17 11:26 am |
dry needling by physical therapist
Deborah Thompson, L.Ac.
2/24/17 11:24 am |
Dry needling is a type of acupuncture; FDA implementing regulations
2/24/17 11:24 am |
Dry needle
Mojgan Mobasheri
2/24/17 11:15 am |
Strongly oppose physical therapists being allowed to Dry Needle
Emily Kappelman
2/24/17 11:15 am |
YES...Trigger Point Dry Needling
Miriam Sellers
2/24/17 11:14 am |
Dry Needling: A Style of Acupuncture on
Dr. Guanyuan Jin
2/24/17 11:05 am |
I am against dry needling. This TCM treatment is strictly for licensed acupuncturist only!
Lynn Diop
2/24/17 11:04 am |
Yes to Dry Needling (Solutions PT)
James Carey
2/24/17 11:03 am |
Dry needling is Acupuncture
Candice C Ellis, Acupuncture Care Risk Management Instructor New England Sc
2/24/17 11:02 am |
Dry Needling is a Crude Form of Acupuncture
Odin Gutierrez
2/24/17 11:02 am |
Dry needling
Sokoloff Marthe
2/24/17 10:58 am |
Dry Needling is not safe
Dr. Lori Deutsch
2/24/17 10:52 am |
I have done both and they aren't the same.
2/24/17 10:47 am |
OPPOSE with amendments
Maryland Acupuncture Society
2/24/17 10:41 am |
YES - to dry needling
Jennifer Spencer
2/24/17 10:41 am |
No to PT doing dry needling
John kim
2/24/17 10:41 am |
Dry needle is Acupuncture, Not for PT
2/24/17 10:36 am |
please do not allow dry needling
Victor Cheng
2/24/17 10:33 am |
Dry Needling is acupuncture
Colleen Porter, LAc
2/24/17 10:33 am |
Dry needling IS acupuncture, regardless of what name you try to call it.
Lindsey Rushmore
2/24/17 10:26 am |
NO to Dry Needling (Acupuncture) by Physical Therapists
Kellie Krasovec, L.Ac., MSOM
2/24/17 10:24 am |
YES to Dry Needling
Kris Fischer - PT patient
2/24/17 10:23 am |
No dry needling for the untrained
Sally Sherriff
2/24/17 10:22 am |
Stop Overstepping your Scope of Practice. No to Dry Needling.
Phyllis Kung
2/24/17 10:17 am |
dry needling by physical therapists
Dr. Gay Bentre, D.Ac.
2/24/17 10:10 am |
The assumption the TDN and Acupuncture are the same, is completely false
Jamie Bennett, PT, DPT
2/24/17 10:09 am |
No to dry needle
Iris Long
2/24/17 10:07 am |
Yes to Dry Needling
Fred Edwards
2/24/17 10:07 am |
No to Dry Needling
Donald, PT & Acupuncture Patient
2/24/17 10:05 am |
OPPOSE Allow PT ability to conduct "Dry Needling"
Michael Callaghan, Yellow Dragon Acupuncture, PLLC, New Braunfels, Texas
2/24/17 9:54 am |
Dry Needling is very unsafe and unethical for physical therapists to do
Marjorie OConnor, Sea Cliff Acupuncture
2/24/17 9:51 am |
dry needing is part of acupuncture. without seeing the whole picture, will cause more harm than good
Guohua Zhong,
2/24/17 9:51 am |
No to Dry Needling
Jody Forman, MSW, L.Ac.
2/24/17 9:51 am |
No to Dry Needling
Pamela Faggert
2/24/17 9:45 am |
Yes to dry needling
2/24/17 9:42 am |
No Dry Needling
Qian Wang L.Ac
2/24/17 9:38 am |
Dry needling is Acupuncture!
Gianina Knoth
2/24/17 9:33 am |
Yes to dry needling!
Laken Summerville
2/24/17 9:32 am |
No dry needling
McKenzie, pacific college of oriental medicine
2/24/17 9:30 am |
No to Dry Needling
Sarah Alemi
2/24/17 9:27 am |
Dry needle
Daniel,Harvard medical university.
2/24/17 9:27 am |
Dry Needling
Scarlett Simpson
2/24/17 9:26 am |
No to dry needling by PT
Jean Asensi LAc
2/24/17 9:23 am |
Yes, to Dry Needling!! It has reduced my pain and got me back to work sooner.
David Zorzi, patient
2/24/17 9:23 am |
Virginia is our ancestral home - Please read State of NJ's reasons for NOT allowing PTs to needle
Karen Bauer, L.Ac., Transformative Chinese Medicine, New York, NY
2/24/17 9:19 am |
Yes to dry needling!
Brenda Bromley
2/24/17 9:17 am |
Yes to Dry Needling
Andrew Rothschild, The Virginia Center for Spine & Sports Therapy
2/24/17 9:16 am |
Acupuncture is NOT an energy medicine & NEVER WAS
Matthew Reed, Chinese Medicine That Works, Ltd.
2/24/17 9:14 am |
Dry needling helped me avoid back surgery
Mark Saunders
2/24/17 9:12 am |
Yes to dry needling!
Catherine Jamieson
2/24/17 9:11 am |
No to dry needling
Yushan Han L.Ac
2/24/17 9:11 am |
Dry needling is Medicare Fraud!!!
tim suh
2/24/17 9:08 am |
No to fake acupuncture phrase "dry needling". I have 25 years experience
Cheryl Schnabel L. Ac.
2/24/17 9:06 am |
Patient of dry needling for several years
Cheryl Garvey
2/24/17 9:03 am |
No to dry needling
Will Mitchell
2/24/17 8:56 am |
30,000 hours vs 1 weekend. No to untrained acupuncture is a no brainer.
Thomas Frazier LAc.
2/24/17 8:55 am |
No to dry needling for patient safety
Thom Heil, L.Ac.
2/24/17 8:53 am |
Yes to Dry Needling
2/24/17 8:39 am |
Yes to dry needling
Rachel Aronson
2/24/17 8:26 am |
No to dry needling
Balance Equals Health
2/24/17 8:26 am |
No to dry needling
Janessa Benedict
2/24/17 8:25 am |
No to dry needling
Brianna B del Castillo
2/24/17 8:20 am |
No to PT Dry Needling
Tricia Smith, L.Ac.
2/24/17 8:20 am |
Trigger Point Dry Needling IS NOT Accupuncture!!
Barrie Perrottino, Bodies in Motion Physical Therapy
2/24/17 8:12 am |
Dry Needling
Deeanne Bevin, M.Ac.
2/24/17 8:10 am |
Yes to Dry needling
sam kang
2/24/17 8:09 am |
Dry Needling by a PT is very beneficial
Ryan Shumate PT, DPT
2/24/17 8:05 am |
Dry Needling Was an Essential Part of my PT
James Shoemaker
2/24/17 8:04 am |
No dry needling for physical therapist unless they want to be licensed acupuncturist too!
Jackie OMeara
2/24/17 8:01 am |
No dry needling
Erik Hardin
2/24/17 7:59 am |
No to PTs dry needling
Sabrina Frazier
2/24/17 7:59 am |
Dry needling
Elaine Geiger
2/24/17 7:54 am |
No dry needling
lirong xu?unmc
2/24/17 7:41 am |
trigger point dry needling
Steve Kilgore
2/24/17 7:26 am |
Yes to Dry Needling!
Kayla Wilharm
2/24/17 7:25 am |
Dry Needling - YES, w/ exceptions
2/24/17 7:20 am |
No to Dry Needling!
Timur Lokshin
2/24/17 7:05 am |
YES to Dry Needling
Mary McKinney, PT, DPT
2/24/17 7:00 am |
Dry Needling
Janine Harris
2/24/17 6:49 am |
Yes to dryneedling by PT
P Brooke
2/24/17 6:03 am |
No to dry needling
Judith Ruth
2/24/17 5:34 am |
CMS Reimbursement
Lori Kelsey RN DOM
2/24/17 5:32 am |
Acupuncture is myofascial release, the PT profession is trying to discredit acupuncture
Jo Ellen Wisnosky
2/24/17 3:50 am |
'Dry needling' is acupuncture therapy. No to ANY PT needling.
Jo Ellen Wisnosky, L.Ac, LMT
2/24/17 3:32 am |
No dry needling.
Nick Lee
2/24/17 3:29 am |
No to PT's using needles! It's neither legal nor safe for them to do so. Leave acupuncture to LAc's!
2/24/17 3:29 am |
No to dry needling for PT !!!!. Dry needling is part of Acupuncture!!!!!
Jae S. Kim, L.Ac.
2/24/17 2:54 am |
No to dry needling for PT !!!!. Dry needling is part of Acupuncture!!!!!
Jae S. Kim, Lac.
2/24/17 2:53 am |
Dry needling is a acupuncture technique, Dry needling is stealing acupuncture techniques
Lan Deng, ATCM UK
2/24/17 2:37 am |
Acupuncture is not a part of modality.
Youn Me Rhee L.Ac, American Traditional Eastern Medicine Specialists(ATEMS)
2/24/17 2:34 am |
no dry needling.
2/24/17 2:32 am |
No to dry needling by PT. is outside of their scope of practice and is called Acupuncture.
Ali Farhadi
2/24/17 2:23 am |
No to dry needling by PT. is outside of their scope of practice.
Sarina Farhadi
2/24/17 2:21 am |
No to dry needling for PT. Dry needling is part of Acupuncture.
Flora Arzanipour
2/24/17 2:18 am |
Dry Needling
Johna Foreman, DOM
2/24/17 2:12 am |
Dry Needles is very Danger
rong zheng, Chui
2/24/17 2:03 am |
No dry needling
Linda Tian, NZASA
2/24/17 1:59 am |
No DN, Dry needles is exactly part of acupuncture, but very danger because no equivalent education.
2/24/17 1:52 am |
Do Not Allow PT's to Needle, it is Outside of their Scope
Jeannine Ruskin
2/24/17 1:51 am |
Dry needling is a term coined by PTs
Sylvia Bognar, L.Ac.,MSOM
2/24/17 1:47 am |
Dry needling by PT is very dangerous.
John paik LAc
2/24/17 1:45 am |
Physical therapy training alone is insufficient to practice solid filiform needle insertion
Derek Plonka DPT, MTOM, L.Ac., CSCS
2/24/17 1:44 am |
No dry needling
Yuru Zhang
2/24/17 1:40 am |
No DN anymore, use no fake tech steal from acupuncture.
Wang, yong hui
2/24/17 1:39 am |
Dry needling aka acupuncture - Do Not allow without thorough education and training
Susan Froehlich, LAc
2/24/17 1:36 am |
Dry Needling is acupuncture and out of the PT scope of practice
2/24/17 1:32 am |
Dry needling is acupuncture!
Dr. Amy Snyder
2/24/17 1:27 am |
Opposing Dry Needling for Physical Therapists
Kristina A Ryan, MAc., LAc, Ocean of Pearls Acupuncture & Healing Arts
2/24/17 1:26 am |
support dry needling by physical therapists
David Fox
2/24/17 1:26 am |
Dry needling by physical therapists
Angela Oddone
2/24/17 1:17 am |
No to Dry Needling.
Peter Martin
2/24/17 1:17 am |
No Dry Needling.
2/24/17 1:08 am |
2/24/17 1:05 am |
Please stop this illegal expansion of PT scope of practice
David Wells, D.C., L.Ac.
2/24/17 12:59 am |
NO to PT dry needling
Kevin Tangeros, 3rd Year TCM Student
2/24/17 12:57 am |
No to dry needling
Jane Tong Delore, L.Ac.
2/24/17 12:51 am |
Dr. James Poepperling
2/24/17 12:43 am |
No To Fake Acupuncture aka Dry Needling
Robbee Fian
2/24/17 12:27 am |
No Dry Needling.
Future Acupuncturist
2/24/17 12:24 am |
Dry needling is acupuncture
YAM, L.A.c.
2/24/17 12:20 am |
Commenter: Patricia * No yo dry needling by PT's Dry needling is another name for acupuncture. T
2/24/17 12:19 am |
Dry Needling is Acupuncture with A Few Hours Training
Gregory Carey
2/24/17 12:07 am |
No yo dry needling by PT's
2/24/17 12:04 am |
No dry needling
2/24/17 12:01 am |
No needles for PT
Run Guo
2/24/17 12:01 am |
Leo Guo
2/23/17 11:59 pm |
Patients' Safety First
Calvin Shih, AMU
2/23/17 11:57 pm |
is dry needle training few weeks even enough? isnt most medicine courses like 3-5 years of training?
2/23/17 11:55 pm |
Dry needles = Acupuncture needles, therefore, dry needling is Acupuncture!
2/23/17 11:53 pm |
Dry Needling is Acupuncture
Nehal Patel, MUIH
2/23/17 11:53 pm |
PT's should not be allowed to perform dry needling.
Sadie Minkoff
2/23/17 11:52 pm |
Dry Needling helped me gain my motion back
Becky Bove, dry needling patient and SPT at SU
2/23/17 11:51 pm |
Dry needling is acupuncture, without the training key to acupuncture’s safety and effectiveness.
Prajna Choudhury
2/23/17 11:50 pm |
dry needle cant do the same job as acupuncture at all!!!
eric wang
2/23/17 11:48 pm |
I support PT dry needling! I could not have recovered without it.
April Canton
2/23/17 11:44 pm |
Dry needling is exclusively for acupuncture
Hyesook Hong
2/23/17 11:41 pm |
Dry Needling is the same as acupuncture but with little or no training!! Say no!!
R Hawkins, East Meets West Healthcare
2/23/17 11:41 pm |
PT dry needling practice
2/23/17 11:39 pm |
Dry needling is acupuncture.
Dr. Connie Christie, DAOM, LAc, Yo San University
2/23/17 11:32 pm |
Dry needling is part of acupuncture
Yue Wang, Ancient healing acupuncture
2/23/17 11:28 pm |
Acupuncturist use dry needle only!
Qing yun ye
2/23/17 11:23 pm |
OPPOSE DRY NEEDLING by Physical Therapists
Elif Kuzu
2/23/17 11:22 pm |
Dry needling is acupuncture
Elemental health acupuncture ele
2/23/17 11:19 pm |
Refer out! Needling is not in the scope of practice for PT's and chiro's. Keep our patients safe!
K. Thomas
2/23/17 11:18 pm |
no dry needling
Miranda Tang
2/23/17 11:09 pm |
No to Dry Needling
2/23/17 11:06 pm |
PTs are qualified. Two different treatments.
Courtney Smith
2/23/17 11:04 pm |
No to PT dry needling
2/23/17 11:03 pm |
Dry needling is best performed by trained acupuncturists
Randi Hoffmann
2/23/17 11:00 pm |
Not support
2/23/17 10:58 pm |
PT's doing acupuncture
2/23/17 10:58 pm |
Dry needling performed by a physical therapist is analogous to tattooing a person
Jonathan L.Ac., SON OF KING SAUL (I'm NOT joking!)
2/23/17 10:58 pm |
Full and unequivocal support of the proposed Regulations Governing the Practice oPhysical Therapy
Erik Wijtmans
2/23/17 10:54 pm |
Dry needling is dangerous for patients without education in acupuncture and proper treatments ! I
Irene lotin
2/23/17 10:51 pm |
Dry needling is just a Nother name for acupuncture, should only be practiced by licensed acupuncturi
Bonnie Roesger RN, LAc.
2/23/17 10:49 pm |
'Dry Needling' IS Acupuncture. ONLY Acupuncturists can perform Acupuncture Safely
K Economidis, Licensed Acupuncturist, VA Native for 30 years
2/23/17 10:46 pm |
No to dry needling
2/23/17 10:46 pm |
Dry needling is under-educated Acupuncture
2/23/17 10:42 pm |
Dry needling is not safe for patients
Abigail Lopez, LicAc
2/23/17 10:41 pm |
Dry needling for MT very dangerous !!!
Michael Schwartz, DOM
2/23/17 10:40 pm |
Dry needling Virginia
Deborah E Lincoln AAAOM
2/23/17 10:39 pm |
No Dry Needling for PTs, chiropractors and any other person's not trained as an acupuncturist
Gabriella Rivera. L.Ac
2/23/17 10:38 pm |
Dry needling
Eric Robert
2/23/17 10:38 pm |
Dry needling is acupuncture.
Sharon Adena, L.Ac. CMT
2/23/17 10:38 pm |
Dry Needling
2/23/17 10:34 pm |
Dry Needling is a Choice Against Public Health
Chad Walker L.Ac
2/23/17 10:33 pm |
No to dry needling
Valondra Nim
2/23/17 10:32 pm |
Acupuncturists receive over 2500 hours of training - safest option
Tara Reed, AP, LMT
2/23/17 10:30 pm |
Absolutely "NO" to dry needling
Mi Ra Tyson, Mira Choi Tyson, LAc.
2/23/17 10:30 pm |
Against Dry Needling unless training hours are identical to acupuncturist or physician
Kendall Burleson
2/23/17 10:29 pm |
Dry needling is not safe
Beth Nugent MS LAc
2/23/17 10:26 pm |
Dry needling
Jeremy G LAc AND OT
2/23/17 10:24 pm |
PTs Performing Dry Needling is UNSAFE AND UNETHICAL
Lucy Shi
2/23/17 10:15 pm |
It's the only thing that worked
Andrea Wagenbach
2/23/17 10:12 pm |
Xuguang Yang
Dry needling is part acupucture
2/23/17 10:11 pm |
yongquan h
2/23/17 10:09 pm |
yongquan huang
2/23/17 10:07 pm |
Dry needge is part of acupuncture. Need be done by only acupunctutist. Not P.T. or shoes repairman
2/23/17 9:58 pm |
Support for dry needling
2/23/17 9:57 pm |
Pro Dry Needling
Madison Ignacio
2/23/17 9:53 pm |
YES - Dry needling does wonders!
Shelby Gibson - SU
2/23/17 9:51 pm |
Opposition to PTs doing "dry needling"/ acupuncture
Sarah Giardenelli, ND, LAc - Virginia Association of Naturopathic Physician
2/23/17 9:46 pm |
Advocate for Dry Needling by PT
2/23/17 9:45 pm |
PT "dry needling" 10times VS acupuncture 1 time
Michael Masse
2/23/17 9:38 pm |
PT can not insert any needle into the body because they don't have enough training.
Hui luo
2/23/17 9:37 pm |
Dry Needling
Brian Baxter
2/23/17 9:35 pm |
Opposing PT to do dry needling with such limited hours of training
Xue mei Song, RN
2/23/17 9:29 pm |
Pro Dry Needling by Physical Therapists
Claire Heffernan
2/23/17 9:24 pm |
No dry needling for PT
Hong Gao
2/23/17 9:21 pm |
PT insert needle to human body is illegal and dangerous
Susan Hu
2/23/17 9:20 pm |
no dry needles!
2/23/17 9:14 pm |
“““NO”””dry needles for PTs "" NO ""dry needle for PTs
2/23/17 9:13 pm |
Dry needling
Susan Peine
2/23/17 9:12 pm |
“““NO”””dry needles for PTs
Alex Chen
2/23/17 9:08 pm |
PTs should be allowed to CONTINUE to perform dry needling; it is NOT accupuncture
Dr. Elizabeth S. Scudder, PT, DPT, Cert MDT
2/23/17 9:06 pm |
I suport TDN by physical therapists
2/23/17 9:05 pm |
Regulation Wording is Reckless and Illogical--Extensive training should be required for ANY needling
Shannon Hyatt
2/23/17 9:03 pm |
Not right for PT practice dry needling
HW Z?hang
2/23/17 9:02 pm |
Physical Therapist and dry needling
Jennifer Rorer
2/23/17 8:58 pm |
No dry needle for PT
2/23/17 8:56 pm |
Oppose Dry Needling
May Fung
2/23/17 8:54 pm |
"" NO ""dry needle for PTs
Yoko Kuo
2/23/17 8:54 pm |
i am against is wrong.
thomas Lin
2/23/17 8:52 pm |
Dry Needling
John Moniz
2/23/17 8:44 pm |
This is not ethical.
Maria Madrigal
2/23/17 8:41 pm |
Yes to PT's dry needling
C.O. Roberson
2/23/17 8:39 pm |
No to PT dry needling
Noel Campise, Student of Acupuncture
2/23/17 8:38 pm |
My PT is very qualified to dry needle
2/23/17 8:35 pm |
Dry needling helped me live my life again
Amber McLaughlin
2/23/17 8:33 pm |
100 hr training is NOT enough
Noriko Yukimasa
2/23/17 8:30 pm |
Any method in which a needle is inserted for therapeutic effect is, by definition, Acupuncture.
American Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (AAAOM)
2/23/17 8:19 pm |
Yes to PTs Dry Needling
Paul Ellington
2/23/17 8:17 pm |
"Dry needle" vs "Wet needle (injection )" only approved once again that acupuncture is great.
2/23/17 8:13 pm |
PTs are clinical doctors with the anatomical and scientific knowledge needed to safely dry needle
Anastasia Palaia, SPT, Shenandoah University
2/23/17 8:06 pm |
acupuncture needle should been practiced by professional acupuncturist
Hsiang Chung
2/23/17 8:04 pm |
For the patients safety and effective result, a well experienced licensed Acupuncturist is reliable
2/23/17 8:03 pm |
TDN for PTs
Anna-Marie Hammond,PT, DPT, ATC
2/23/17 8:02 pm |
Dry needling was the only thing that helped me
Melissa Woodson
2/23/17 8:01 pm |
Support for dry needling performed by physical therapists
Melissa Marshall
2/23/17 8:00 pm |
Dry needling is essential
Christine Wilson
2/23/17 7:58 pm |
Absolutely No to dry needle
Haoyue Jin
2/23/17 7:53 pm |
No to dry needling
Heidi Alexander
2/23/17 7:45 pm |
Yes to dry needling
Laura Elliott
2/23/17 7:36 pm |
My PT did dry needling and it really helped my neck and back -- wouldn't trust anyone else
Mike C.
2/23/17 7:33 pm |
complete acupuncture training education required for PT dry needling
Li Gaudet
2/23/17 7:33 pm |
dry needle is part of acupuncture, PT should respect only refer patient to Acu. For needling
Zhaoyu jia ,DPT, student of Acupuncture master program
2/23/17 7:32 pm |
YES to Dry Needling
Lauren Asher
2/23/17 7:23 pm |
Dry needle is not safe
Shilan zhou
2/23/17 7:22 pm |
No to dry needling by PTs
Ping yao
2/23/17 7:20 pm |
Let PT's dry needle!
Melanie barna
2/23/17 7:10 pm |
No dry needle for PT
Lucy Luo FTCM UK
2/23/17 7:10 pm |
It is unlawful to allow PT to practice needle insertion
Shaobai Wang
2/23/17 7:07 pm |
Yes to Use of Dry Needling
Gloria Barber
2/23/17 7:07 pm |
Dry Needling Is Acupuncture. PT Is NOT Qualified.
zhuying huang
2/23/17 7:06 pm |
PT's can NOT needle
Frank Kaupas
2/23/17 7:03 pm |
No to dry needle
Sophie zhou
2/23/17 7:00 pm |
Yes to Dry needling
Katherine (Kate) Maxwell
2/23/17 6:53 pm |
NO dry needles for PT
Hua Xiang
2/23/17 6:35 pm |
Yes to physical therapists being able to dry needle
Brad Sechler
2/23/17 6:35 pm |
No Dry needle. acupuncture should perform by Lic Acupuncturist only
Ling Li
2/23/17 6:29 pm |
If PT is allowed to do dry needle (acupuncture), should they be allowed to use syringe needle?
Mengqi Xia, TianHe Bioscience
2/23/17 6:27 pm |
Dry Needling by my Physical Therapist was essential to my recovery
Jennifer Beach
2/23/17 6:24 pm |
Support dry needling
Grace Tong
2/23/17 6:20 pm |
Yes to Dry Needling
Rhonda Graham, PTA
2/23/17 6:12 pm |
I support dry needling in physical therapy
Eileen Gaughran
2/23/17 6:07 pm |
Of course Dry needle (a form of accupuncture) works for many conditions, therefore it should be..
Mengqi Xia, MD from China, CMD and PhD. TianHe Bioscience
2/23/17 6:07 pm |
Yes!!!! Dry Needling is a necessary option in Physical Therapy!!!!
Renee Moffett
2/23/17 6:03 pm |
Dry Needling
Emily And Carly Mang
2/23/17 6:01 pm |
Absolutely yes to Dry Needling!!!
Tim G
2/23/17 6:01 pm |
Yes for physicaltherapist using dry needling
Sara Binde
2/23/17 5:57 pm |
Dry Needling
2/23/17 5:54 pm |
Dry Needling by PT
David Vogel
2/23/17 5:54 pm |
Yes to dry needling by physical therapists
Emil Parnas
2/23/17 5:49 pm |
Yes to Dry Needling
Rhonda B
2/23/17 5:37 pm |
dry needling was very effective treatment for me
David Hawkins
2/23/17 5:34 pm |
dry needling
Marilyn York
2/23/17 5:27 pm |
Yes it has helped me
Rob reinish
2/23/17 5:26 pm |
No Dry Needle by PT!
Jinmai Jiang
2/23/17 5:19 pm |
PT recipient
Bunny Giordano
2/23/17 5:18 pm |
No dry needle should be practiced by PT.
Yuying wang, DAOM
2/23/17 5:16 pm |
Yes to dry needling in PT
Darcey Krug
2/23/17 5:09 pm |
For patient safety, No dry needling for PT
Zhping Li, DFCI Harvard Medical School
2/23/17 5:08 pm |
Dry Needling should be performed by qualifed PTs
Katherine Wolf
2/23/17 5:01 pm |
In support of dry needling by PT
Missi Cox
2/23/17 5:00 pm |
YES to dry needling by trained PT's
2/23/17 4:58 pm |
Support Dry Needling
Kathleen Baldwin, Shenandoah University DPT Student
2/23/17 4:56 pm |
Dry needle is good to go by PT, helped accelerate healing in my hamstring.
Capt Hill, Steven S., USMC
2/23/17 4:54 pm |
YES to PTs performing Dry Needling
Caitlin Michaels
2/23/17 4:54 pm |
Dry needling
Bryan Dierkes
2/23/17 4:54 pm |
Dry Needling Resolved Chronic Pain
John Lollar, Patient
2/23/17 4:50 pm |
No dry needle by PT. there are many risks associate with PT to use acupuncture needles
Hong zhao, DAOM
2/23/17 4:48 pm |
No to dry needling by PT who is often only required 100 hour of training.
James Wang Clinique Sinocare Inc.
2/23/17 4:47 pm |
Dry needling should be practiced by skilled and licensed clinicians
Marnie Phillips PhD, neuroscientist
2/23/17 4:39 pm |
Dry needling is not accupuncture is extremely effective and appropriate for PT
Matthew Colonnese
2/23/17 4:36 pm |
Michael Faulkner
2/23/17 4:29 pm |
Yes to dry needling by PTs
Russ Reynolds
2/23/17 4:23 pm |
NO to Dry Needling by PTs
Jon Fields
2/23/17 4:22 pm |
Dry needling is beneficial
Forrest Allison, citizen
2/23/17 4:21 pm |
Dry Needling Therapy
Thomas W. Burns
2/23/17 4:15 pm |
Dry Needling Is Acupuncture. PT Is NOT Qualified. PT Is NOT Allowed For Invasive Therapy
Zhisong Chen
2/23/17 4:15 pm |
YES - to dry needling
Shannon Elkins
2/23/17 4:14 pm |
Dyr Needling
Kathy D'Amato
2/23/17 4:14 pm |
Yes to physical therapists dry needling
Mary Catherine Whitley, DPT Bon Secours In Motion Physical Therapy
2/23/17 4:13 pm |
Yes to receiving dry needling from physical therapists -- it's a natural extension of treatment
Layla Soares
2/23/17 4:13 pm |
Dry Needling Helps!
Bill Kramer
2/23/17 4:11 pm |
Dry needling
Janet Wassouf
2/23/17 4:10 pm |
Yes to Dry Needling
Amanda Catalano,
2/23/17 4:09 pm |
Allow PTs to Dry Needle
Skylar M
2/23/17 4:09 pm |
Yes to dry needling by trained physical therapists. It is not acupuncture and it relieves pain.
Keith Styles
2/23/17 4:08 pm |
Dry needling
Gerald Mann
2/23/17 4:08 pm |
Dry needling helped me
Ahren Groesch
2/23/17 4:08 pm |
Dry Needling
Nicole Jacobs
2/23/17 4:06 pm |
Dry Needling
Kimberlee Berry
2/23/17 4:06 pm |
Dry needling is NOT acupuncture!
Nichole Muzina,
2/23/17 4:05 pm |
Yes to Dry needling
Frances Bou
2/23/17 4:04 pm |
Wish to modify previous comment-Proposed regulation encourages unlawful practice of acupuncture
Susan Sandlin, L.Ac. West End Eastern Medicine, Richmond
2/23/17 4:01 pm |
Michele Roy
2/23/17 3:58 pm |
Yes to dry needling for Physical Therapists
Therese Binde
2/23/17 3:57 pm |
Say No to Dry needling by PT
Kady Williams
2/23/17 3:55 pm |
No dry needling
Audrey Lagares Lama
2/23/17 3:55 pm |
YES to Dry Needling
Kristine Klammer PT, DPT
2/23/17 3:52 pm |
No dry needling for PT
Ilyas Hamid
2/23/17 3:43 pm |
in support
Sara Kaylor
2/23/17 3:35 pm |
Position on Dry Needling
nancy liu
2/23/17 3:17 pm |
Dry needle is not safe
Karen Wood
2/23/17 3:05 pm |
Dry Needling
Michelle Camarata, PT, Rehab Associates of Central Virginia
2/23/17 3:05 pm |
Allow PTs to DN
2/23/17 3:03 pm |
YES to dry needling by PTs
Amy Krape, Shenandoah Univeristy Division of Physical Therapy
2/23/17 3:00 pm |
Say No to Dry Needling legislation!
Corrine Gutierrez L.Ac., MSOM, Boulders Acupuncture & Natural Healthcare
2/23/17 2:49 pm |
Acupuncture and Dry Needling are 2 different things-Do NOT allow PT dry needling. It is a risk to pu
Susan Sandlin, L.Ac.
2/23/17 2:49 pm |
Yes to PT dry needling
Devon Wallace, SPT
2/23/17 2:47 pm |
NO to PT Dry Needling; A matter of Public Safety
Sui Yishen
2/23/17 2:46 pm |
Yes to dry needling performed by qualified Pos
Kevin B.
2/23/17 2:45 pm |
DN is an appropriate tool for physical therapy
Elizabeth Rehm Integrated Health
2/23/17 2:44 pm |
In favor of dry needling
Cassy newell reed
2/23/17 2:36 pm |
YES to dry needling done by physical therapists!
Cheryl McLaughlin
2/23/17 2:32 pm |
lab meneger
2/23/17 2:16 pm |
For the Safety of Patients ... invasive treatment in the hands of a non-invasive therapist
Kaity Yim, New York College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
2/23/17 1:59 pm |
NO to PT Dry Needling; A matter of Public Safety
Becky Smith, Maryland University of Integrative Health
2/23/17 1:59 pm |
Dry Needling is acupuncture, PTs should have education, training, and testing like acupuncturists
Kevin McNeeley
2/23/17 1:56 pm |
Dry Needling, part of Acupuncture! Education hours: Acupuncture 2,700 hrs >> PT Dry Needling 54 hrs
Pat Wong
2/23/17 1:35 pm |
Dry needling is acupuncture
Hannah Dwertman, MUIH
2/23/17 1:33 pm |
No dry neddling by PT!
Sean Shen
2/23/17 1:22 pm |
Regarding dry needling
Betsy Davison
2/23/17 1:19 pm |
I support dry needling by PT's
Gina Garcia, Solutions Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine
2/23/17 1:19 pm |
No to PTs to practice unlicensed acupuncture or "dry needling"
Dr. Tracy L. Hackett, L.Ac., AP, DAOM; Eastern Holistic Arts PLLC
2/23/17 1:16 pm |
Dry Needling is not safe
Rosemary Hersey, MUIH
2/23/17 1:09 pm |
Acupuncture is great for pain manegement, dry needling is part of acupuncture
Jian ping
2/23/17 1:05 pm |
Dry Needling by PT has fixed my pain
Erika Peters
2/23/17 1:04 pm |
Dry needling absoultely should be done by PT!
Kathy Kennan
2/23/17 1:03 pm |
Dry needle is great! BUT PT IS NOT qualified to do it.
Kang Y
2/23/17 12:47 pm |
YES to dry needling done by physical therapists!
Vicki Porter, Solutions Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine
2/23/17 12:46 pm |
Do not allow PT's to apply needles!
Stephanie Marie Fox
2/23/17 12:46 pm |
No to Dry Needling. Hazardous to a patient's wellbeing
Jessica L.
2/23/17 12:45 pm |
Dry needling should be performed by acupuncturists, not PTs
Laura Palumbo
2/23/17 12:43 pm |
YES to Dry Needling
Justin Hughes
2/23/17 12:40 pm |
Colin Flanagan
2/23/17 12:39 pm |
Oppose Dry Needle by PT without Acupuncture Lisence
Yisheng Yu
2/23/17 12:35 pm |
Dry needle equal to Acupuncture. Anyone perform dry needle without acupuncture license is illegal.
Guoxi Liu, LAC - America Asian Acupuncture, PLLC
2/23/17 12:31 pm |
No dry needling at PT
Susan Craine
2/23/17 12:30 pm |
No to dry needling by PT
Wendy Tian, LAC
2/23/17 12:24 pm |
Dry needling is an proven effective solution to many kinds of pains.
Nina Ding, Healthy Beauty Medical Center
2/23/17 12:17 pm |
Yes to dry needling worked great for me. No pain no gain
Abby Thursby
2/23/17 12:15 pm |
Acupunture is great for pain management
hong su
2/23/17 12:15 pm |
CCAOM Comment on Proposed Regulation of Virginia Physical Therapy Bd. re Dry Needling
Council of Colleges of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine
2/23/17 12:13 pm |
Inserting needle into body is invasive procedure, is not in PT's scope of practice
Hong Su
2/23/17 12:08 pm |
Dry needling = profiting on the back of acupuncture without any desire to understand it
Rebecca Chang
2/23/17 12:06 pm |
Practice dry needle is dangerous, even MD needs 300 hours to practice. PT Only takes 80hours
Amy may fu
2/23/17 12:06 pm |
An enthusiastic Yes to Dry Needling by trained Physical Therapists
Scott Binde
2/23/17 11:58 am |
Stop Stealing
Stephen Yen
2/23/17 11:35 am |
Dry Needling is Dangerous to Public Health
Ancient Wellness Consultant
2/23/17 11:31 am |
No to Dry Needling for PT's, Dry Needling is Acupuncture
Tyehao Lu
2/23/17 11:05 am |
Dry Needling is great for pain management
Lisa Tarrants
2/23/17 11:01 am |
Yes to Dry Needling in VA by PT's
Katrina Smith
2/23/17 10:59 am |