Action | Promulgation of new regulation banning concealed firearms in executive branch agency offices |
Stage | Proposed |
Comment Period | Ended on 10/21/2016 |
This is abuse of power at its best (or worst). It doesn't take someone with two degrees to figure out that these extraneous bans not only express contempt for the upstanding citizens of VA who have gone through the costly process of obtaining a CHL but are also beyond useless. In fact, they are dangerous. Besides the Constitutional difficulties of such offensive legislation, it is counter-productive to ensuring the security of the commonwealth.
When, for example, I have to renew my legislation at the DMV, I must leave my handgun in my car. That greatly increases the risk that my firearm could get stolen and used in a crime. In addition, it leaves only one person capable of defending that DMV from a potential attack, and very rarely does the one security guard there inspire much confidence in their ability to successfully defend their lives and mine in the event of an attack.
This legislation is unconstitutional and impractical. Seriously...don't be stupid.