Action | Amendments Regarding Use of Controversial or Sensitive Instructional Materials |
Stage | NOIRA |
Comment Period | Ended on 1/15/2014 |
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There is a disconnect between what many parents are saying here and the actualities of public education. The parents responding here are vested and involved---and thank you!---but they don't realize that so many other parents/guardians are not, either by choice or by circumstances. Therefore, they suggest notifying and getting permission from parents without knowing the Herculean task they are proposing. There are some parents that, no matter how many times and different times of day I try to make contact, I never get a hold of at all. The cost of materials is also not being considered. With 2000+ students in each of our high schools, we order 500 copies to have enough for each grade level, so it is not so easy to switch to something else. Moreover, student engagement with a text often determines whether or not (s)he will take an active role in the assignment(s). My students learn a lot by reading and discussing "sensitive" and/or "controversial" issues, issues they know are a part of life. Students need exposure to the realities of the world.