Action | Electronic Visit Verification |
Stage | Proposed |
Comment Period | Ended on 3/21/2020 |
DMAS unethically and purposefully informed those in office to ignore disabled persons letters written to government officials about EVV concerns. A "one-pager"(name given by DMAS) response was crafted and sent out by Tammy Whitlock, DMAS, and sent to all those in office. This response was a definition of EVV; it purposefully did not directly address the concerns that the disabled took the time to write to our legislature about! Those in office were instructed by DMAS to hand out the "one-pager" to anyone writing in about concerns! There were plenty of complaints sent into government officials, CDCN, PPL, online, and DMAS. DMAS chose to ignore those complaints as well, and continue with this horrendous EVV program by stating there were "no complaints on the townhall"? Yet DMAS worked to make sure advocated were aware of the horrendous negative impact EVV does have on the disabled. DMAS is certainly practicing unethical approaches to ignore the disabled and force upon them a program which makes their lives with a disability much more difficult! To think DMAS didn't have to do this for the live-ins is borderline unethical as well! Or that DMAS claims there is an enormous cost associated to exempt live in providers. There is no need to reidentify them and there is no cost the portal is already there to enter time.