Action | Promulgation of new regulation banning concealed firearms in executive branch agency offices |
Stage | Emergency/NOIRA |
Comment Period | Ended on 1/27/2016 |
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I totally oppose the proposed regulation.
Justice Joseph Story, in his Commentaries on the Constitution, wrote;
"The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them."
On a more practical level, as Frank Ramos wrote above,
"This proposed regulation will be playing into the hands of terrorists & violent criminals. We have had no shootings in state agencies and this prohibition on concealed handgun permit holders, some of whom have ongoing threats to their lives, is without any justification and actually endangers lives. Disarming law abiding citizens (who are the only ones likely to obey the prohibition) does not make them safer. This proposed regulation is a solution in search of a problem. It endangers state employees, law abiding citizens, and the innocent by making state buildings a safe zone for terrorists, criminals, and the criminally insane."
Recent events have shown that "gun free zones" are merely create special venues for victimization". Entering such a venue will discurage citizens from dealing with "their" government.
At a more philosophical, but no less honest level, Aaron Zelman, a strong advocate of the 2nd Amendment, wrote,
"Never forget, even for an instant, that the one and only reason anybody has for taking your gun away is to make you weaker than he is, so he can do something to you that you wouldn't let him do if you were equipped to prevent it. This goes for burglars, muggers, and rapists, and even more so for policemen, bureaucrats, and politicians.”
Your attempt to reduce the power of citizens when dealing with an armed government and it's employees (who are, in fact, their employees) demonstrates a complete reversal of the respective roles of the government (as servant) and the citizens (as it's master).
The proposed regulation should NOT be approved and the "emergency rgulation" (what "emergency") regulation rescinded.