Action | Promulgation of new regulation banning concealed firearms in executive branch agency offices |
Stage | Emergency/NOIRA |
Comment Period | Ended on 1/27/2016 |
The Notice of Intended Regulatory Action published in the Virginia Register of Regulations on December 14, 2015, concerning the prohibition of carrying concealed handguns in Executive Branch offices states that a Public Hearing will NOT be held at the proposed regulation stage. This shadowy prcosees is unaccpeptible for the citizens of Virginia. Any wide reaching regulation, such as this one, must be examinied in as open and transparent a manner as possible.
Due to this regulation being contrary to Virginia law and the public good; and because the appearance is that the executive branch is effecting this regulation as repayment for out of state support during the governors' last election cycle. I urge the governors' office to discontinue its emotional rhetoric and provide to the public all empirical data, research, and factual information that would support this regulation.
I request that a Public Hearing be held during the proposed regulation stage for the intended regulations prohibiting carrying concealed handguns in Executive Branch offices. Given the state-wide impact, I request that public hearings be scheduled throughout the Commonwealth to allow all to comment without excessive travel cost.