Action | Repeal CO 2 Budget Trading Program as required by Executive Order 9 (Revision A22) |
Stage | Final |
Comment Period | Ended on 8/30/2023 |
Gov. Glenn Youngkin is another in a long line of misguided and self-serving Republican politicians who want to curry favor with Donald Trump and the Republican Party. The corruption of our politicians continues - pay-to-play, kickbacks, and personal financial gain. What is wrong with a now Republican led legislature who would introduce a bill to repeal the Virginia Clean Economy Act, allowing Virginia to withdraw from membership in RHGI? When that failed Gov. Glenn Youngkin is now determined to withdraw from RGGI anyway. RGGI is a win-win for the State of Virginia - $589 million to Virginia from the proceeds of the sale of carbon emissions credits - used for flood protection and community resilience and support towards energy efficiency programs for low-income households, and that includes many seniors. Does Gov. Glenn Youngkin watch the news or read a newspaper? Temperatures higher than ever recorded, glaciers melting at a frightening rate, more and severe flooding, severe drought, exploding wildfires, and the list goes on! Our state, country and the entire planet is dying from carbon emissions from fossil fuels. RGGI provides funds to the state and allows Virginia to look towards the future and be part of the solution instead of the cause! Instead, Gov. Glenn Youngkin is looking towards his political future and the White House and throwing Virginia and it’s citizens under the bus!