Action | Promulgation of new regulation banning concealed firearms in executive branch agency offices |
Stage | Emergency/NOIRA |
Comment Period | Ended on 1/27/2016 |
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"This regulation implements Executive Order 50 (McAuliffe 2015), which bans firearms in executive branch agency offices. This regulation prohibits concealed firearms in offices and workplace facilities under the ownership, lease, or control of an executive branch agency, and includes a requirement for posting signs to this effect. The Executive Order directs DGS to propose regulations within 30 days of the EO." -
The text of this regulation is included, in case you forgot. I understand the intent of this regulation is to prohibit properly licensed and capable private citizens from exercising their constitutional rights in/on and around EB property. In essence, the regulation imposes an executive directive that all private citizens become so much cannon fodder if their business takes them into one of the restricted zones.
I argue that this regulation implicitly does not apply to either criminals or terrorists, if indeed that was your intention. However, does this regulation apply to law enforcement? Military? Bodyguards? How does this regulation apply to the members of the Virginia executive branch in such circumstances? Or does it, at all?
The text of the regulations is unclear in this regard but I'm betting there's a way around the part which prohibits executive branch members or their bodyguards from carrying firearms in restricted areas. Unfortunately, that is not unexpected.
However, your bodyguards, police [who are always late on scene], or you – members of the Virginia Executive branch, are under no obligation whatsoever to protect me, a defenseless civilian if you have your way, in case of an active shooter incident in one of these locations.
Rather, you shamefully prefer defenseless civilians to cower behind “No Gun Zone” signs while not even having the common decency of insisting that those useless signs be made out of AR500 bullet resistant steel.
Clearly, the intent of the current administration is the confiscation of all civilian firearms, that is undebatable. Doubtless, this comment will fall on deaf ears. But with all intelligent arguments being shouted down I will offer you only this.
Dead civilians can't vote.
Sadly, I'm certain that you, Gov. M, do not care about that either.