Action | Amend Regulations Following Periodic Review |
Stage | NOIRA |
Comment Period | Ended on 2/11/2015 |
I do not envy you for the volume of comments you must be receiving but I will select only 2 brief, hopefully not repetitive, comments.
First: If the regulations were promulgated for the offices of cardiologists, plastic surgeons, orthopedists, dentists, et al , the VDH would be inundated with protests from doctors, their patients and the general public, even though the procedures offered in their offices include higher risks to patients than services offered by first trimester abortion providers. Where are those advocates for safety of those patients?
Second: The real and eminent danger faced in a facility providing abortions is to the staff and providers. That’s the health and safety issue. Over the past 40 years as a clinic owner, consultant, and security advisor for abortioncare centers I have not seen a single patient death but I have seen seven associates and friends murdered by so called “pro-lifers”
The current regulations are an attempt to deny Virginians the right to obtain legal medical services that they seek. Do the right thing and amend the regulations.