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Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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8/30/24  10:47 am
Commenter: Anita

Proposed changes to Home and Community Based Waiver

I would like you to consider the struggles of living in a rural area and providing support for a family member with a disability. I am the mother of an adult son with Down Syndrome and various medical issues. We had agency directed waiver for many years but it was difficult finding suitable providers. I left my job (making 3 times what I make as his provider) in order to care for him and I am his main provider. His well being is my main concern. Please consider making this allowance permanent.

I also ask you to support dropping the education requirements for Service Facilitators. Currently we are without a SF in our area and such his annual plan has not been submitted to DMAS in a timely manner. There are many who have worked with this population in the past without a BS that would be suitable for SF. Experience should count as education.

Thank you for your consideration in these areas.

CommentID: 227501