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Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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8/30/24  10:55 am
Commenter: Anonymous

HB909/SB488 (2024) Legally Responsible Individual (LRI)

My child has complex medical needs that only I, as their parent, fully understand. We've had multiple aides who struggled with the intricacies of their care plan. As an LRI, I provide consistent, knowledgeable care that others can't match. I should be the first choice, not the last resort because no one knows my child better. HB909/SB488 and the Virginia General Assembly's actions have been invaluable in allowing me to continue providing this level of care. Their support has ensured that my child receives the best possible care from someone who knows them best. Amending these provisions would undermine the effectiveness of the care we’ve worked so hard to establish. The current waiver draft could force us to rely on underqualified caregivers who lack the detailed knowledge required for my child's condition. This would increase the risk of medical errors and reduce the quality of care my child receives.

CommentID: 227502