Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Forestry
Department of Forestry
Virginia State Forest Regulations [4 VAC 10 ‑ 30]
Action Amend Requirements for Carrying Handguns in State Forests
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 4/16/2010
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2/27/10  11:40 am
Commenter: Blair F. Fulton II, C>P>A>

concealed guns in state/federal parks

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

I personally would feel safer if I could carry a gun, open or concealed when visiting parks administered by the Department of Forestry.

Times are changing.  IN the past 20 years or so, there have been unsolved murders on the Blue Ridge Parkway.  Also the forests are used to grow marijuana plants in small numbers.  Having seen only one black bear in my life time I learned that it coule out run me with ease.  The other animal related fears deal primarily with snakes. 

We no longer can look at a person and tell with much certainty whether that person will do us harm or not.  A friend of over 40 years attacked me because I had a 5 poound dog in my arms.  He picked up garden instrument and started swinging.  I could not run from due to nerve damage to my legs. What made him stop I do not know.  I did not have my gun with me because I thought I was safe in my own yard.  Now I carry one when ever I go outside and most of the time inside.  I did not know that my long time friend had been bitten by a dog when he was a child and not gotten over it.

There are two advantages to allowing concealed gun carry 1. it is not intimidating as open gun carry and 2. you might be able to safe some one's life.  Had VPI allowed at least professors to carry guns, Cho would not have killed as many persons as he did.  And, being a Tech graduate I know that the entire story will not be told.

I thank you for your time and attention.



Blair F. Fulton II


CommentID: 13261