Action | Amendments Regarding Use of Controversial or Sensitive Instructional Materials |
Stage | NOIRA |
Comment Period | Ended on 1/15/2014 |
And then, stop all 'questionable' content on television, newspapers, radio, internet, billboards, magazines, friends, coworkers, bumper stickers...and the list goes on. Even Walmart and Target have large oversized posters of women in lingerie. How are we supposed to be preparing these young people for the world if we have to sugar coat and gloss over all manner of content. Parents opt to have a television and internet in their home...parents opt to send their children to public school. I'm not suggesting that explicit material be included in each course curriculum...but I need the freedom to use whatever tools necessary to teach my students: and sometimes that requires current events, social media, cultural occurances and relative content. Masking our children from what exists in the world will only make them susceptible.