Virginia Regulatory Town Hall

Guidance Documents in Effect

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Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired
Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired
14 guidance documents relevant to this board for the criteria specified

ID Title Effective Date  
Agency level documents applying to all of this agency's boards
7285 Vocational Rehabilitation Policy and Procedure Manual 12/7/2022  Changes Being Made
7286 Education Services Policy and Procedure Manual 12/7/2022  Changes Being Made
7287 Low Vision Policy and Procedures Manual 12/7/2022  Changes Being Made
7289 DBVI Orientation and Mobility Procedure Manual 12/7/2022  Changes Being Made
7290 DBVI Rehabilitation Technology Manual 12/7/2022  Changes Being Made
7291 DBVI Rehabilitation Teaching and Independent Living Policy and Procedures Manual 12/7/2022  Changes Being Made
7292 Virginia Rehabilitation Center for the Blind and Vision Impaired Policy and Procedure Manual 12/7/2022  Changes Being Made
7332 Virginia Enterprises Polices and Procedures 12/16/2022  Changes Being Made
7351 PPD 22-01 Chapter 7.7 Transition Services 12/19/2022  Changes Being Made
7352 PPD 22-03 VR Policy Updates 12/19/2022  Changes Being Made
7353 PPD 22-04 Referral 12/19/2022  Changes Being Made
7355 PPD DS-22-05 Low Vision Manual Policy 12/19/2022  Changes Being Made
7356 PPD DS 22-06 Change of Tutor Rates 12/19/2022  Changes Being Made
7357 PPD DS 22-07 Low Vision Manual Update and revised forms 12/19/2022  Changes Being Made