Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
Guidance Document Change: This is to provide an update to and supersedes the “Face-to-Face and Case Management Visits” Medicaid Bulletin posted on March 17, 2022.
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11/21/22  1:43 pm
Commenter: Kristen Federmeier

Keep facilitator visits virtual

Hello. My name is Kristen Federmeier. I have four adopted children with varying levels of disabilities, two of whom are on the DMAS waivers and receiving state services. I am asking you to please continue to give parents the option to conduct the mandatory monthly service facilitator visits virtually. The flexibility of televisits for our monthly meetings with service facilitators should be a permanent change for all managed care. Not only has the medical community seen the true benefit that televisits provide, but our waiver meetings have been far more productive. Our service facilitator sees and talks with our children at every televisit. I am able to have greater flexibility in scheduling because I don't have to meet somewhere or plan to be home for what is often a relatively short visit from our service facilitator. Juggling therapies, doctor's appointments, and life activities make even one more meeting a month a real burden. All this is in addition to the added health protection televisits provide. We all know that the number of illnesses is climbing as winter approaches. Asking a facilitator to go from house to house, visiting children and families with compromised immune systems, seems simply irresponsible. We work very hard to keep our children as healthy as possible to avoid trips to the ER and developmental regression that comes with illness. What would be for neurotypical children ordinary colds or infections, turn into much greater problems for our families. Televisits are a sensible option that save time, money, and make life simpler and safer for all involved. I ask you to please work to make the monthly tele-meetings a permanent change. Thank you very much for your consideration. I am happy to speak with you further if you would like to learn more about our experiences and needs.


Kristen Federmeier


CommentID: 205833