Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
Guidance Document Change: This is to provide an update to and supersedes the “Face-to-Face and Case Management Visits” Medicaid Bulletin posted on March 17, 2022.
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11/22/22  10:24 am
Commenter: Euronda Green

Keep the option for virtual visits


I am contacting you about DMAS ending virtual visits starting in January 2023. 

This decision poses a the threat to my children and many others with health problems.   


I have 2 children I am writing you about; My autistic daughter and my autistic/ ileostomy foster son whom are both severely medically fragile and have many medical diagnosis. 

Because of their medical state and being highly compromisable they both have special homebound services in the home setting for their school services. 

All of my children's doctor's agree and continue sign forms when they are needed to ensure my children do not attend school in the physical building or have in person classes because of their high risk of getting sick.

DMAS should make it their first priority in keeping all individuals involved medically safe.

Individuals who are medically fragile  should have the right to decide what is best for their overall health and well-being and for some this includes being able to continue to have virtual visits.

The in person visitation process does not just involve the individual receiving care in the home and the facilitators but, it also includes all the other families that receives services, as well as facilitators and their personal families also.

This process involves one person to see and come I contact with so many others on a regular basis. 

What would be a simple cold to you or someone else could mean a hospital stay for days for those that are medically fragile if they caught a simple cold because their bodies have more complications fighting infections & viruses than the average person.

I am asking on the behalf of my children and many others that have to live with the struggle of trying to stay healthy and well to allow us to have the right to continue in person visits as an option past January 1st 2023 and going forward. 

If hospitals and doctor's offices can continue to make this accommodation for medically fragile individuals in our community, DMAS should definitely allow this accommodation as well.


Thank you for your time and help with this issue.


CommentID: 205919