Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of General Services
Department of General Services
Regulations Banning Concealed Firearms in Offices Occupied by Executive Branch Agencies [1 VAC 30 ‑ 105]
Action Promulgation of new regulation banning concealed firearms in executive branch agency offices
Stage Emergency/NOIRA
Comment Period Ended on 1/27/2016
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12/30/15  5:09 pm
Commenter: Steve Oyer

My Concerns on the Governors’ Executive Order EO-50

I wanted to make sure you knew my thoughts on the Governors’ Executive Order EO-50 titled “To keep guns out of dangerous hands “……..

I have yet to see the Director of the DGS put out a policy IAW the above EO

I am all about ENFORCING existing laws and creating/modifying ones that make sense

If you have not read the EO, please do

He touts this is as preventing gun violence, but what he tries to do is circumvent existing Virginia law and the Virginia Constitution in section VI. of his decree

His feeble attempt at illegal gun control on his own goes directly against Section 13 of the Constitution of Virginia for my right to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED

Then, his next step is to strip me of my right to carry my concealed handgun IAW VA CODE SECTION 18.2-308, 18.2-308.02 and more….

So he labels me dangerous because I have jumped through all the hoops to get a CCP and carry it into my own State Buildings!

In a parking garage of Richmond years ago my Father and I had to show we were armed to thwart off a mugging, if it wasn’t for my right to carry into the General Assembly buildings, we would both be dead.

This is just plain WRONG that he thinks he can push the gun control stooges agenda through an EO in the Commonwealth of Virginia, that is the General Assemblies job

PLEASE take action to overrule him and make the AG rule in public on the legality of this EO.

I need this protection when I come to Richmond during the General Assemble as I do not have a special parking spot or armed guards like he does

A majority of our law makers have also seen the need of CCPs and have the wisdom, foresight and 1st hand knowledge to make it law.

We have never had an illegal CCP owner shooting at the capital or elsewhere in VA ………….only to protect life, limb and property

The Governor should be debating and enacting anti-terror policies for our State, not illegal gun control on the good guys.

Sincerely and most respectfully
NOTE:  I also request that the comment period be extended to assure plenty of time for comments

CommentID: 48703