In 2003, I entered school at Virginia Tech. I loved the experience, the new friends, and the education I was fortunate to receive.In the spring of my junior year, I was working on campus when a gunman opened fire and took the lives of so many of my classmates. I knew 5 of the victims through friends and classes. It was a difficult time for all of us and eye opening as well. I had a new appreciation for life and the opportunities of the future. I decided that from that day forth, I wouldn't allow myself to be a victim with no choice in the matter if that type of situation ever happened to me,around me, or to my family ever again. I couldn't believe when it happened again years later, this time to my father. He works at the Navy Yard in DC. He saw his coworkers killed. A former classmate of mine lost his father in the attack. This reaffirmed to me that bad things happen and being able to defend yourself should be a right of all Americans.
These two instances proved to me that gun free zones and heavy security are no deterrent when someone makes a decision to take a life. While I support background checks and FFL transfers for non family firearms transfers, I can't support a ban that relies on underfunded police forces and red tape to "protect" the public while disarming lawful gun owners. Criminals will have guns no matter what laws are in effect.