Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Labor and Industry
Safety and Health Codes Board
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2/27/22  10:59 pm
Commenter: Aware of Reality

The Consequences

If you read the comments, when FCPS finally announced they were complying, you will see the consequences of forcing this for 2 years.  

  1. There are people who truly believe that they are due a guarantee of protection from illness. A guarantee. These people truly believe that a piece of fabric is protection and they are relying on it. They also believe that all others, including children, should indefinitely (permanently) wear these pieces of fabric on their face, to make them feel protected.  They feel that it is okay to place the burden of their health on the backs of children, indefinitely.  
  2. The mask debate has nothing to do with science. People who voted for Biden believe that all people wearing masks and arguing for masks are members of their political party.  They believe that anyone who voted for Youngkin is anti-mask and, therefore, their political enemy.  It's truly that simple. This never should have been allowed to drag on and trap people.  You put school staff in the middle of a political battle and violated our 1st Amendment rights, by forcing us to wear a political symbol to work, every day.  
  3. This has gone on too long and people are divided on lines having nothing to do with health and everything to do with signaling their virtue by complying.  Innocent students have been caught in the middle, along with helpless school staff who have to drag themselves into a building, surrounded by irrational fears.  It's time to stop it and never, ever do this again.  
CommentID: 120371