Virginia Regulatory Town Hall

Proposed Text


Allowing a grace period for documentation of ISPs
Stage: Fast-Track
7/16/18  12:31 PM

12VAC35-105-675. Reassessments and ISP reviews.

A. Reassessments shall be completed at least annually and when there is a need based on the medical, psychiatric, or behavioral status of the individual.

B. The provider shall update the ISP at least annually. The provider shall complete a quarterly review of the ISP at least every three months from the date of the implementation of the ISP or whenever there is a revised assessment based upon the individual's changing needs or goals. These reviews shall evaluate the individual's progress toward meeting the plan's goals and objectives and the continued relevance of the ISP's objectives and strategies. The provider shall update the goals, objectives, and strategies contained in the ISP, if indicated, and implement any updates made. Documentation of each review shall be added to the individual's record no later than 15 calendar days from the date the review was due to be completed.