Action | Promulgation of new regulation banning concealed firearms in executive branch agency offices |
Stage | Proposed |
Comment Period | Ended on 10/21/2016 |
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The Virginia Citizens Defense League and its 6,600 members strongly oppose this regulation for the following reasons:
* There has been NO problem with shootings in Virginia state agencies nor anything else to justify this restriction on law-abiding citizens
* Concealed handgun permit holders are the most law abiding group of people in the Commonwealth, yet even they are prohibited from defending themselves in a state agency building under this proposed regulation
* The General Assembly has NOT granted authority to the Governor to be able to prohibit guns in state agencies. The General Assembly controls the field on firearms laws in Virginia.
* A bill passed out of the General Assembly this year clarifying that the Governor lacks the authority to prohibit firearms in state agencies, but the bill did not make it into law because the Governor vetoed it! The will of the People through their elected representation is clear - this regulation is NOT supported by the majority of voters
* All but two of the public mass shootings since 1960 have happened in gun-free-zones, such as this regulation would create. This regulation would increase the danger of a mass public shooting in a state agency, not reduce it.
VCDL urges that the proposed regulation to be withdrawn.
I oppose this regulation.
This "Emergency" action on the part of the Governor was not an answer to an actual problem, it was a political payback to Mike Bloomberg for the money he poured into McAuliffe's campaign. It solves nothing, but does place law abiding citizens in danger from those criminals who would ignore the ban in the first place.
I want my voice heard, that as a law abiding citizen of the Commonwealth of Virginia, I strongly oppose any gun ban in state run buildings. Strongly enforce the current gun laws that we have would do more good than this purposed gun ban in state run buildings.
I am opposed to making this regulation permanent.
I adamantly oppose this unconstitutional infringement on my Rights. This proposal is political payback from McAuiliffe to Clinton and makes no one safer.
1. Where is the problem this is supposed to solve? There have been no shootings in Virginia state agency buildings and the ban on concealed carry is even more unreasonable, as CHP holders are the most law-abiding group of citizens in the Commonwealth.
2. The Governor has no direct authority from the General Assembly to ban guns in state agency buildings. To that end, this year the General Assembly passed a bill clarifying that the Governor cannot do any type of gun control without the express permission of the General Assembly. The only reason that bill did not become law is that the Governor vetoed it! This action ignores the will of the People, as expressed through their elected representatives in the General Assembly.
3. Since 1960, all but two of the public mass-shootings have been in gun-free-zones, like this regulation creates. This would make state-agency buildings in Virginia less secure, not more secure!
This regulation accomplishes nothing except restricting law abiding citizens.
1. Where is the problem this is supposed to solve? There have been no shootings in Virginia state agency buildings and the ban on concealed carry is even more unreasonable, as CHP holders are the most law-abiding group of citizens in the Commonwealth.
2. The Governor has no direct authority from the General Assembly to ban guns in state agency buildings. To that end, this year the General Assembly passed a bill clarifying that the Governor cannot do any type of gun control without the express permission of the General Assembly. The only reason that bill did not become law is that the Governor vetoed it! This action ignores the will of the People, as expressed through their elected representatives in the General Assembly.
3. Since 1960, all but two of the public mass-shootings have been in gun-free-zones, like this regulation creates. This would make state-agency buildings in Virginia less secure, not more secure!
The Governor declared an emergency to implement his own ruliing-by-fiat to solve a problem that doesn't exist. Last I checked, emergencies were things actually happening - say the floods in Louisana, or tornado damage, etc. In this case law-abiding citizens have been told they cannot do what they have legally and peacefully done for years (and continue to do in the rest of the state), because of an "emergency"? Please overturn this ridiculous restriction, and return us to the prior state of law that has been working perfectly for years, as established by the representatives of the people in the state Legislature. We elected a Governor, not a king.
I am strongly opposed to any restrictions on my right to keep and bear arms including this regulation for state owned facilities.
I am displeased with the governor's attempt to regulate gun ownership, as well as his attempts to ban concealed carry in government agencies. He is a danger to freedom, and wishes to limit the safety of Virginia's citizens.
The proposed regulation is absurd. What problem is it solving? Our elected representatives have spoken and concealed carry for permit holders should not be banned in executive facilities. Do you intend to violate the will of the people of Virginia? That is what this proposed regulation does.
William F. Abell, Jr., 355 Saville Lane Lexington, VA 24450
I oppose the regulation to ban guns in state agencies, in particular those carried by a CHP holder.
1. Where is the problem this is supposed to solve? There have been no shootings in Virginia state agency buildings and the ban on concealed carry is even more unreasonable, as CHP holders are the most law-abiding group of citizens in the Commonwealth.
2. The Governor has no direct authority from the General Assembly to ban guns in state agency buildings. To that end, this year the General Assembly passed a bill clarifying that the Governor cannot do any type of gun control without the express permission of the General Assembly. The only reason that bill did not become law is that the Governor vetoed it! This action ignores the will of the People, as expressed through their elected representatives in the General Assembly.
3. Since 1960, all but two of the public mass-shootings have been in gun-free-zones, like this regulation creates. This would make state-agency buildings in Virginia less secure, not more secure!
I oppose the Permanent State Agency gun ban. Making a Gun Free Zone only takes away the ability to defend yourself for law abiding citizens. Someone that wants to do harm will find away to harm, we need to give people the ability to defend themselfs. There is a reason that mass shootings happen in Gun Free Zones.
1. Where is the problem this is supposed to solve? There have been no shootings in Virginia state agency buildings and the ban on concealed carry is even more unreasonable, as CHP holders are the most law-abiding group of citizens in the Commonwealth.
2. The Governor has no direct authority from the General Assembly to ban guns in state agency buildings. To that end, this year the General Assembly passed a bill clarifying that the Governor cannot do any type of gun control without the express permission of the General Assembly. The only reason that bill did not become law is that the Governor vetoed it! This action ignores the will of the People, as expressed through their elected representatives in the General Assembly.
3. Since 1960, all but two of the public mass-shootings have been in gun-free-zones, like this regulation creates. This would make state-agency buildings in Virginia less secure, not more secure!
In January, over 1,200 armed VCDL members packed the legislative office buildiing in Richmond for Lobby Day. There were no problems. We carry to local government buildings all the time. There have been no problems with legal carriers in state government buildings. These government buildings belong to us, the citizens. The governor is only the caretaker. I resent not being able to exercise my consitutional and lawful rights in MY BUILDINGS!
I oppose this regulation for the following reasons:
Elected officials should not enjoy extra privilege than the Citizens of Virginia.
Elected officials should not be more protected than the Citizens of Virginia.
Elected officials should not declare themselves the rightful authority of Citizens' rights under the Constitution.
Elected officials should be required to pay for their own security from their income, not Taxpayers' contributions.
I strongly oppose this regulation. Evidence shows that mass shooters are drawn to "gun-free" zones. This regulation would make state buildings less safe.
When was the last time an innocent was shot by a CHP holder in an ABC store or the DMV? Never. For many, many years CHP holders have carried in these locations and there has been no issue whatsoever. Ignorance and fear mongering should never be the nasis for a regulation. And why was this passed as an "emergency regulation"? Decades of no issues involving CHP holders argues strongly against this being put in place to begin with. So lets just drop this stupid regulation and move on. Preventing me from defending myself and family is not a good policy.
Michael Nelson MA, RPA
I strongly oppose this dangerous gun free zone regulation. It puts a target on state employs backs.
I oppose this uneeded and over reaching regulation.
I oppose the gun ban in State Bldgs. & ABC Stores, Gun free zones only puts me and my family at risk from criminals and makimg me unable to protect myself and my family.
I oppese this regulation.
This regulation puts Virginia workers in danger. State buildings may have security but what about all the ABC stores.
This regulation is simplly a political move to disarm citizens, and not an attempt to reduce violence. Go after the pharmaceuticals that are creating the mental conditions that drive people to violence if you want to do something positive. There was no emergency that required banning guns in state buildings, and there is no justification for making this a permanant law.
Sop using our rights as citizens to keep and bear arms as a political pawn. This is a useless action on your part that will trample my constitutional right. Enough is enough!
I oppose the governor's ban on guns in public buildings. This is overreach and cannot be tolerated when there is no reason to have it except the governor's personal dislike for an armed citizenry.
As a Virginia citizen, resident of Old Town Alexandria, and licensed concealed carry holder, I strongly oppose this gun ban. Not only is this a response to a nonexistent threat, but it also applies to responsible, licensed holders of concealed carry permits, who are far less likely than the average public, and even the police, to commit a gun crime (it doesn't cover Governor McCauliffe's bodyguards though--shocker). I have a right to feel safe when out running errands, picking up something from an ABC store, or visiting a government property, and this regulation undermines this by restricting my second amendment rights for no good reason.
This is a restrictive piece of legislation that will provide no enhancement to public/professional safety. It may prove to be a detriment to personal safety.
We have the Second Amendment that allows citizens to keep and bear arms. Period. I'm a US Army Vet and old homicide detective and am fully aware of gun violence. Good guys and gals with guns makes us all safer from bad guys and gals with guns.
An emergency ban or prohibition should have an immediate problem that needs to be addressed. Where is the problem this is supposed to solve? As to date, there have been no shootings in State agency buildings. Banning weapons of any variety seems to be superfluous pandering by the Governor to some unspecified demographic; it does NOT address any need by the state of Virginia. I oppose ANY regulation that has no need to be on the books.
This ban also shows the current Governor's disdain for following set procedure. He has no authority to make a ruling such as this. The power for this action resides with the General Assembly and as such should originate there, where there is accountability. The General Assembly even tried to vote this regulation down, but the Governor doubled down on his mistake and vetoed the bill from the General Assembly to remove his ill-advised regulation.
Where is the problem this is supposed to solve? There have been no shootings in Virginia state agency buildings and the ban on concealed carry is even more unreasonable, as CHP holders are the most law-abiding group of citizens in the Commonwealth.
I oppose this regulation.
This is NOT the will of the law abiding citizens of Virginia.
Type over this1. Where is the problem this is supposed to solve? There have been no shootings in Virginia state agency buildings and the ban on concealed carry is even more unreasonable, as CHP holders are the most law-abiding group of citizens in the Commonwealth.
2. The Governor has no direct authority from the General Assembly to ban guns in state agency buildings. To that end, this year the General Assembly passed a bill clarifying that the Governor cannot do any type of gun control without the express permission of the General Assembly. The only reason that bill did not become law is that the Governor vetoed it! This action ignores the will of the People, as expressed through their elected representatives in the General Assembly.
3. Since 1960, all but two of the public mass-shootings have been in gun-free-zones, like this regulation creates. This would make state-agency buildings in Virginia less secure, not more secure!
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I oppose this regulation.
What event made necessary the "emergency" ban? Nothing more than politics. There is no emergence. Our right to life and the means to defend the same are not pawns no the board of Virginia politics. Do NOT make the "emergency" ban permanent.