Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Labor and Industry
Safety and Health Codes Board
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6/18/20  6:00 pm
Commenter: Steven Whipple

A mask mandate is not ethical, legal, or necessary!

 Make masks voluntary at best. Based on current education and advice from medical professionals, a mask mandate has no ethical, legal, or moral grounds. If you are sick stay home, if you are afraid of catching covid-19 stay home, if you don’t think schools will be safe for your child, don’t send them, but you do not have the authority to deny us our freedom, because YOU foolishly bought into the fear mongering.  The data doesn’t support a need for more regulations, in fact it considering how many people are becoming depressed and suicidal due to the governors orders and imposed regulations already, I’d say if you impose anymore regulations at all, your liable to be sued personally for any suicides by adults or students. Open Virginia back up NOW with no more regulations. This is AMERICA for gods sake, you cant hold our lives hostage, or you’ll end up with a militia on your front lawn to take back the freedom you stole from us. You don’t have the legal, medical, or ethical grounds to do this, so don’t.

My body my choice.....or is that only when it comes to taking a life, not saving one?


CommentID: 80531