Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
Waivered Services [12 VAC 30 ‑ 120]
Action Three Waivers (ID, DD, DS) Redesign
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 4/5/2019
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4/5/19  9:03 pm
Commenter: Lorri Murray, Every Citizen Has Opportunities, Inc. (ECHO)

DD Waiver Final Regulations #3

12VAC30-122-210. Payment for covered services (tiers).

  • A.4.e. – Modify the language to “The DMAS designee shall review each individual’s needs on at least…..” An individual’s needs are being reviewed not an individual themselves.
  • C.1. Recommend an increase to the $5,000 annual limit on assistive technology deemed appropriate to the cost and utility of today’s technology. The current limit is years old and has not kept up with changes in technology and/or the emphasis on expanding the use of technology to replace more cost intensive staffing services. If raising the overall limit is not feasible at this time, we recommend adopting a multi-year limit, such as $10,000 over the course of two years, etc. This would allow greater flexibility for individuals to accommodate upfront costs of purchasing new assistive technology without raising the overall multi-year dollar limits. The limit is also included in 12VAC30-122-270 Assistive technology service.
  • C 1: Recommend an increase to the $5,000 annual limit for environmental modifications from the current maximum annual cap of $5,000 to a level deemed appropriate to the cost of such modifications. This limit is years old and it is increasingly difficult for families and individuals to secure modifications that will allow them to remain in their homes over their lifespan for this small amount of funding. If raising the overall limit is not feasible at this time, we recommend adopting a multi-year limit, such as $10,000 over the course of two years. This would allow greater flexibility for individuals to accommodate upfront costs of purchasing new environmental modifications without raising the overall multi-year dollar limits.
  • C 3. Recommend an increase to the cost of electronic home-based supports from the current maximum of $5,000 per calendar year.  This limit is not sufficient for up-to-date technology as well as any associated monthly monitoring fees. The purpose of these supports is to enable individuals who so desire to live more independently with less staff intrusion into their lives. The benefit should be consistent with the average cost of this type of support. If raising the overall limit is not feasible at this time, we recommend adopting a multi-year limit, such as $10,000 over the course of two years. This would allow greater flexibility for individuals to accommodate upfront costs of purchasing new electronic home-based supports technology without raising the overall multi-year dollar limits.
  • 4.b. The current application for customized Waiver rates requests data for the previous six months. If the provider has already served the individual for six months with a 1:1 ratio that is effectively supporting the individual to reduce behaviors, the provider should be allowed to submit data from the service period before 1:1 staffing began.

12VAC30-122-240. Services covered in the Building Independence Waiver.

  • Add Agency and CD Companion and Personal Assistance, and Individual & Caregiver Training to the BIS waiver. With the addition of these services, there may be more interest in utilizing this lower cost waiver by persons on the Priority 1 waiting list.

12VAC30-122-250. Services covered in the Community Living Waiver.

  • Add Family and Caregiver Training. This service is applicable to all individuals and families and should not be limited to the FIS waiver.

12VAC30-122-260 – Services covered: Family and Individual Support Waiver.

  • Add Independent Living Services to the FIS waiver. This service can assist individuals living on their own or wishing to live on their own.

12VAC30-122-270 - Assistive technology service.

  • A.(ii)- STRIKE “with the environment in which they live” and ADD a new (iii) “actively participate in other waiver services that are part of their plan.” Renumber the current item (iii) to item (iv). AT should be available to support any service in a person’s ISP. It should not be limited to the environment in which the individual lives. It should be available to support an individual in any approved service and promote inclusion in all aspects of an individual’s life.

12VAC30-122-280 - Benefits Planning Services (reserved).

  • This service is now available (Medicaid Memo Sept. 4, 2018). It should be included in the final DD Waiver regulations out for public comment.

12VAC30-122-300 - Community-based crisis support service.

  • After means add “planned crisis prevention and emergency crisis stabilization services provided to”; strike “a service”. This brings it in line with Center-based Crisis.

12VAC30-122-310 - Community coaching service.

  • A- After barriers add “or to support an individual’s participation when there is an ongoing barrier to participation” See definition.
  • C.3- Strike “This service shall not be provided within a group setting.” This sentence is not necessary and has the potential the individual from learning how to interact and communicate with others in a community engagement setting – the entire purpose of the service. Requiring the service to be one-on-one is sufficient.

12VAC30-122-320 - Community Guide Service. (reserved);

  • This service is now available (Medicaid Memo Sept. 4, 2018). It should be included in the final DD Waiver regulations out for public comment.

12VAC30-122-340 - Companion service.

  • C.1- Strike second sentence and limiting the service to eight hours per 24-hour day. While the occasions might be rare, this service can support those who can otherwise function reasonably independently at a modest cost – the 8 hour per day limitation can interfere with that. The waivers already allow a combination of various services to flexibly accommodate an individual’s needs. Companion services are inexpensive and there may be times when an individual requires more than eight hours of this service in a given day. The authorization should be an annual amount or hours that can be used as the individual needs them. Eight hours per day is an arbitrary cap.
  • D.4.b- Replace with “Providers that are licensed by DBHDS, a supervisor meeting the requirements of 12VAC35-105 shall provide supervision of direct support professional staff.” This brings it in line with other similar services.

12VAC30 – 122-350 - Crisis Support service.

  • The three-levels described here are not included in the other two crisis support services – they should be consistent.

12VAC30 – 122-360 - Electronic Home-Based Support Service.

  • B.1.- STRIKE “physically”. The section notes that the individual must be “physically” capable of using the equipment provided via EHBS service. Some EHBS services may be voice activated and not require physical manipulation. Although voice activation could be considered “physical”, this provision could be misunderstood and, thus, misapplied by authorizers or auditors.
  • C.1. Recommend an increase to the cost of electronic home-based supports from the current maximum of $5,000 per calendar year.  This limit is not sufficient for up-to-date technology as well as any associated monthly monitoring fees. The purpose of these supports is to enable individuals who so desire to live more independently with less staff intrusion into their lives. The benefit should be consistent with the average cost of this type of support. If raising the overall limit is not feasible at this time, we recommend adopting a multi-year limit, such as $10,000 over the course of two years. This would allow greater flexibility for individuals to accommodate upfront costs of purchasing new electronic home-based supports technology without raising the overall multi-year dollar limits.

12VAC20-122-370 - Environmental Modification Service.

  • C.2. Recommend an increase to the $5,000 annual limit for environmental modifications from the current maximum annual cap of $5,000 to a level deemed appropriate to the cost of such modifications. This limit is years old and it is increasingly difficult for families and individuals to secure modifications that will allow them to remain in their homes over their lifespan for this small amount of funding. If raising the overall limit is not feasible at this time, we recommend adopting a multi-year limit, such as $10,000 over the course of two years. This would allow greater flexibility for individuals to accommodate upfront costs of purchasing new environmental modifications without raising the overall multi-year dollar limits.
  • C.6.- We recommend that an exception process be put into place for the uncommon circumstance in which the expansion of square footage to the home (which is prohibited) is an incidental result of a modification that will enable the individual to remain in the home ( e.g. a larger, accessible bathroom). Limits could be put into place for how much additional square footage would be allowable in an exceptions process.

12VAC30-122-380 - Group Day Service.

  • B.1. Support the addition of the following that are included in the new CL waiver renewal application but are not currently included in the proposed final regulations:
    • Participation in community volunteer opportunities or education programs;
    • Staff coverage for transportation of the individual between service activity sites. Transportation is included as part of the service. The provider may be reimbursed for the time spent transporting the individual to community locations as part of the waiver billing
    • Personal types of activities (i.e. assistance with ADLs). These allowable activities are critical for individuals that need them but are not necessarily “skill building”.
    • Allowable activity of “providing safety supports in a variety of community settings”: This allowable activity is not included in the CL Waiver renewal application. Further, the CL renewal application includes “personal care types of activities (i.e. assistance with ADLs)” yet this allowable activity is not listed in either these proposed regulations nor in the “2016” version of regulations. These refer to activities rather than the requirement for skill-building; this phrase offers more flexibility for providers who are spending significantly more time in personal care than in skill-building. Consistent language should be included in these proposed regulations.
  • C. Add 6. Recommend annual allocation for Group Day and Community Engagement hours to allow increased flexibility. Currently, Group Day hours and Community Engagement hours are authorized on a monthly basis with additional estimated “flex hours”. We recommend that the period of authorization be lengthened to allow more flexibility and consumer choice. For example, individuals choose whether they want to go out in the community or stay in a center on any given day. Because of weather or other personal circumstances of the individual, the individual may want to stay in the center more often in the winter and in the community more often in the Spring/Summer/Fall. Hours could then be drawn from a quarterly, semi-annual or annual “pool” of hours based on their person-centered plan.
  • D.5. Supervision - There is NO reference to Licensing regulations to define “supervisor.” Licensing does not define a “supervisor” but does define a QDDP. The 2016 version of the Waiver regulations included the phrase “or a provider who has documented equivalent experience” to allow providers to substitute experience for a college degree, but this phrase is not included in either the new (2018) Licensing regulations or within the definition of QDDP in these Waiver regulations. Providers request consistency and clarity within and between regulations when defining QDDP since there are numerous QDDP responsibilities within these regulations.\

12VAC30-122-400 - Group and Individual Supported Employment Service.

  • Add Employment Services Organizations (ESOs) as qualified providers of Employment & Community Transportation Services.
  • Add Employment Services Organizations (ESOs) as qualified providers of Peer Mentor Support Services.
  • Add Employment Services Organizations (ESOs) as qualified providers of Community Guide Services.
  • A.3.a. – Strike “limited” after but reimbursement shall not. (2nd sentence, 4th line)
  • B.1. – Add “and enrolled in school” after for individuals younger than 22 years of age. Strike “for the individual enrolled in the waiver”.
  • C.3. – Strike “and individual”. Individual SE must be able to be provided in an individual’s home for purposes of self-employment or other individuals that work from home for other employers (telecommuting, etc.)
  • C.4. – Strike “service” after employment. Strike “in combination with other day service or residential service” and Change to “concurrently with other waiver services for purposes of job discovery”. Should read as follows: “For time limited and service authorized periods (not to exceed 24 hours) individual supported employment service may be provided in combination with concurrently with other waiver services for purposes of job discovery.” This revision helps with clarity. D.4. – Second paragraph under this Provider Requirements section is duplicative to 400.A.3.b (Service Description) and is not related to Provider Requirements.
  • E.1.c. – Sentence needs to be reworked. “Documentation confirming the individual’s time in service” is for Group Supported Employment (GSE) only. “Daily note” is only applicable to GSE as well. Strike “daily note” and insert “progress note” to be consistent with other sections and definition of “progress note” in Section 122-20.
  • E.1.f. - Sentence needs to be reworked. Should read “Documentation that indicates the date, type of service rendered, and the number of hours provided, including specific timeframe. An attendance log or similar document shall be maintained for Group Supported Employment”. An attendance log or similar document is not required for ISE since the individual is competitively employed.
  • E.1.i. – After group, Insert “for Group Supported Employment”.

12VAC30-122-430 - Individual and Family/Caregiver Training Service.

  • A- Strike “FIS waiver” Add “in all of the DD waivers”. There is no reason that it is only included in the FIS waiver. Individuals and their families can benefit from this service.
  • Strike C.1

12VAC30-122-440 - Nonmedical Transportation Service (Reserved).

  • This service is now available (Medicaid Memo Sept. 4, 2018). It should be included in the final DD Waiver regulations and out for public comment.
  • The name of this service needs to be consistent. Is it Employment and Community Transportation or Nonmedical Transportation Service. Needs to be consistent between DD Waiver renewals and regulations.

12VAC30-122-450 - Peer Support Service (reserved).

  • This service is now available (Medicaid Memo September 4, 2018). It should be included in the final DD Waiver regulations and out for public comment.

12VAC30-122-460 - Personal assistance service.

  • A.3. – Add “Personal Assistance can be provided simultaneously with supported employment services and can be billed concurrently”. The provision currently states that an additional component of personal assistance services is to aid and supports to individuals in the work place, with the final sentence stating, “Work related personal assistance service shall not duplicate supported employment service.” The addition of the suggested sentence at the end of this section clarifies that both can be provided at the same time and that they are distinctly different services.
  • A.4- Change to “in all DD waivers”. As previously stated, it is unclear why this service is not available in the BI waiver. Individuals in the BI waiver are more likely individuals with physical developmental disabilities who may require personal assistance services in order to live independently in their homes. PA services can be critical to this population.
  • C.7.a & b.- Strike “Companion” Add “Personal Assistance”. This is a typographical error.

12VAC30-122-480 - Private Duty Nursing Service.

  • Support the recommendation by the Virginia Board for People with Disabilities (VBPD) that DMAS undertake an intensive review of all available data regarding the authorization of private duty nursing since the requirement to provide this service solely through EPSDT was put into place in order to determine, on a systemic level, whether families are being adequately served. The results of any study/review should be made public. Families that receive significantly reduced hours of skilled or private duty nursing or both can end up in a position where they would have to choose institutional over home and community-based care This is inconsistent with he requirement of the DOJ Settlement Agreement and incongruent with the stated desire to improve care and keep children at home with their families.

12VAC30-122-520 - Skilled Nursing Service.

  • See comment above regarding Private Duty Nursing Service and support of the VBPD recommendation.

12VAC30-122-550 - Therapeutic Consultation Service.

  • B.2.i - Support Dr. Walker’s comments
  • C.3- Strike “written preparation and telephone communication”
  • D (1) Recommend adding Registered Behavior Technicians (RBT) to list of people that may provide direct support under the supervision of Board Certified Behavior Analyst. (RBT’s would not provide consultation, rather direct support).

12VAC30-122-570 - Workplace Assistance Service (12VAC30-122-570).

  • B.4. – Add (e) at the end of the lettered list which adds “Phone, media and in-person contacts with a Job Coach” as an allowable/billable activity. There may be times when a workplace assistant may need to consult with the individual’s job coach in order to meet the needs of the individual and to ensure consistency of strategies to support the individual to be successful in the workplace.
  • D.3. – Providers of Workplace Assistance that are CARF accredited employment vendors of DARS satisfy staff competency requirements for Workplace Assistance Services.
  • Recommend that Workplace Assistance Services be added to the BI Waiver as individuals on this Waiver may have health and/or safety monitoring needs in a place of employment.


CommentID: 71027