Advanced rooftop solar and storage technology will allow Virginia to power a grid safely with a dependable, clean, lower-cost option. An updated grid is needed that is not centralized but operates as a solar energy network benefitting the homeowner, the environment and the utility company. Everyone wins.
I am totally against further drilling, fracking or cracking of this planet to obtain fossil fuels. These fossils fuels mined from the depths of our planet will eventually dry up. Then we are left with useless pipelines that were very expensive for ratepayers like me to build. Pipelines running through Virginia and in our neighborhoods is not the answer. They carry fossil fuels with toxic and explosive potential that puts Virginians and water supplies in danger every day. The benefit (to who?) does not outweigh the risk. Especially when people like me want to benefit from their own energy production and utilize rooftop solar.
Please prioritize rooftop solar in Virginia’s State Energy Plan. Isn’t the sun getting stronger? This is a renewable source of energy that is not diminishing. Thank you for your consideration.