Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Environmental Quality
State Water Control Board
Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) General Permit Regulation for Discharges From Groundwater Remediation of Contaminated Sites, Dewatering Activities of Contaminated Sites, and Hydrostatic Tests [9 VAC 25 ‑ 120]
Action Amend and Reissue Petroleum ...GP Regulation
Comment Period Ended on 6/29/2016
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6/25/16  4:30 pm
Commenter: Kenneth Carbaugh AOSE, Carbaugh Environmental Inc

Stop co-mingling of sepatage with industrial waste, petroleum and other VOCs

Provisions for wastewater classification and proper disposal must not permit the co-mingling or homogenization of septic wastewater and industrail products that can not be effectivly removed from dischaged effluent whether it be to a waterway, ditch or soil absorption area.  Regulation not taking the seperation of these different waterwater components is violating the Clean Water Act in my opinion and puts ground and surface water resources at great risk.  Proper treatment of these different wastes must be addresses in collection and treatment before disposal or removal from the site entirely.  Economic ramifications need be addressed to permit small businesses from going under and leaving a site without any remediation taking place.  Perhaps a look into some funding or subsidies from the LUST program should be examained and duplicated in the some of a gasoline or VOC product tax sold in VA to help cover costs to the businesses and protect the citizens of Virginia from pollution in our drinking and recreational waters.

CommentID: 50290