Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Environmental Quality
State Water Control Board
Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) General Permit Regulation for Discharges From Groundwater Remediation of Contaminated Sites, Dewatering Activities of Contaminated Sites, and Hydrostatic Tests [9 VAC 25 ‑ 120]
Public Comment Forum
On this Action: 
Amend and Reissue Petroleum ...GP Regulation
NOIRA Stage   [exempt] - View the regulatory documents

CLOSED     Opened on 5/30/2016 and Ended on 6/29/2016

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Comment Title Commenter
Stop co-mingling of sepatage with industrial waste, petroleum and other VOCs Kenneth Carbaugh AOSE, Carbaugh Environmental Inc  6/25/16  4:30 pm
Permit Needs To End - Recycling Needs to Begin Megan Addington  6/8/16  2:10 pm

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