Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Environmental Quality
Air Pollution Control Board
Regulation for Emissions Trading [9 VAC 5 ‑ 140]
Action Repeal CO 2 Budget Trading Program as required by Executive Order 9 (Revision A22)
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 3/31/2023
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3/31/23  11:17 am
Commenter: K Shields

Invest in our economic and health future through RGGI

REJECT the proposed Regulation for Emissions Trading 9VAC5-140 and DO NOT WITHDRAW from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (“RGGI”) because:

  • Rejection supports the citizen’s Air Board’s mission to “abate, control and prohibit air pollution” and our demonstrable history of reducing air pollution in Virginia. In the past two years air pollution has decreased significantly due to proactive decisions. 


  • The Youngkin administration's plans to withdraw Virginia from RGGI are unlawful. As a September 2022 letter from 61 legislators clarifies, only the legislature can make that decision.


  • Lowered energy costs that RGGI enables our citizens and businesses (as the DEQ fact sheet conveniently omits) to realize substantial economic benefit. After Virginia joined the program in 2020, more than a dozen companies, institutions, and trade associations with headquarters or significant operations in the Commonwealth wrote to express their support, including Mars, Nestlé, and IKEA. The DEQ previously had this letter on its website; it has since been removed. According to VAEEC “during the first two years of participation, RGGI provided $250M to make low-income housing in Virginia more energy efficient and contributes to the health of Virginia residents. 


  • RGGI is an investment in the future of all Virginians. It helps to protect us from the pollution that worsens climate change which in turn contributes to sea level rise. Living in a county increasing blemished by the sight, sound and air pollution of data centers, we are extremely aware that we – and you – must ensure a healthy environment NOW.  I and others will vote accordingly.


Thank you for your support, 

K Shields

CommentID: 216042