Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Environmental Quality
Air Pollution Control Board
Regulation for Emissions Trading [9 VAC 5 ‑ 140]
Action Repeal CO 2 Budget Trading Program as required by Executive Order 9 (Revision A22)
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 3/31/2023
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3/11/23  7:36 pm
Commenter: Reuben Rohn

Keep Virginia in RGGI

No one is above the law, including the Air Board - vote NO on the RGGI attack


I’m writing today to implore you to REJECT the proposed Regulation for Emissions Trading 9VAC5-140 and NOT withdraw Virginia from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (“RGGI”).

First, the RGGI program works to advance the Air Board’s own mission to “abate, control, and prohibit air pollution.”  The proposed regulation would do the opposite -- increase air pollution -- in open contravention of Virginia law.  What is more, air pollution in Virginia has been significantly decreased under the program, a benefit the proposed regulation and DEQ fact sheet fail to address.  

Second, the Board lacks the authority to erase the existing RGGI regulations, under the terms of the RGGI law itself. Virginia’s RGGI law clearly states the Air Board “shall” join RGGI, a clear mandate from the legislature that the DEQ fact sheet fails to address.
Third, DEQ’s fact sheet fails to mention the lowered energy costs to low-income Virginians and the flooding protection benefits that RGGI provides Virginia, making the justification for the proposed regulation incomplete.

Simply put, RGGI is an investment in the future of all Virginians. It protects us from the pollution that worsens climate change which in turn contributes to sea level rise.  Air pollution also increases respiratory diseases especially in children as well as increases the risk for cancer.  Air pollution from fossil fuels was responsible for 8,700,000 deaths in 2018 alone.  


RGGI makes sure that low-income communities have resources to make vital energy efficiency improvements, and it will bring down the cost of our energy bills over time.

I hope that you listen to the vast majority of Virginians who support this key climate program and reject this regulation to withdraw from RGGI once and for all.


CommentID: 211517