Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of General Services
Department of General Services
Regulations Banning Concealed Firearms in Offices Occupied by Executive Branch Agencies [1 VAC 30 ‑ 105]
Action Promulgation of new regulation banning concealed firearms in executive branch agency offices
Stage Emergency/NOIRA
Comment Period Ended on 1/27/2016
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12/15/15  2:18 am
Commenter: William Booth

Oppose regulation of firearms

I have lived in places that people gave up their right to access firearms easily or at all. The people all regret the decision. They are subject to big brother government and nanny states. Do not let this happen in the USA. Honor our predecessors and act for the good of the nation. America is a strong country but our liberties are under constant attack from people who read other nations' laws and want the USA to become another nation. I don't see people leaving the US for other countries so we have something right in this country and our right to own guns w/o hurdles is one of the reasons why this country is great. Those that want to live in a country w/o guns are free to leave.

CommentID: 43462