Action | Promulgation of new regulation banning concealed firearms in executive branch agency offices |
Stage | Emergency/NOIRA |
Comment Period | Ended on 1/27/2016 |
Dear Governor,
I STRONGLY Oppose More Meaningless Gun Restrictions on Citizens Who Have NOTHING Wrong
Political grandstanding and media sound bites will not keep the citizens of Virginia safe.
We have real problems in the Commonwealth without making up straw-men.
Over 400,000 fellow Virginians have taken on a huge responsibility which no one takes lightly.
Submitting to background checks, being finger printed and being trained in the use of firearms is a serious matter
but one we accept in order to protect our lives and that of our family.
Restricting our rights might just be political fodder for you but for us it could mean the difference between life and death.
Your continued attack on our ability to protect lives is nether becoming or worthy of the Governor of Virginia, or any elected official.
I could produce mounds of hard evidence as to why your proposed regulations have proven to be failures.
But, frankly you already know all of this. So let me try to put this in terms you might understand.
1. Attacking law abiding Citizens in Virginia is a political disaster.
2. Attempting to turn Virginia into Maryland or NJ will insure you in history as the worse Governor in VA history.
3. Gun Free Zones Do Not translate to CRIME FREE ZONES - Look at the Facts
4. Drug Overdoses Now Exceed that of Traffic fatalities in Virginia - Where is the Emergency Ban ????
Governor you are attempting to solve a problem that doesn't exist.
And at the same time attacking Law Abiding VOTERS.