Action | Promulgation of new regulation banning concealed firearms in executive branch agency offices |
Stage | Emergency/NOIRA |
Comment Period | Ended on 1/27/2016 |
I understand and have obeyed the policy of VDOT regarding the carrying of firearms on state property and during state duty since the first day I have been employed at VDOT. Although I do not agree with it, i have strictly obeyed it and will continue to. This executive order is going to get people killed. Why are we hanging up huge signs ADVERTISING that EVERYONE inside is unarmed and helpless? What is the point? Does anyone think that hanging a sign is going to dissuade anyone from committing a violent act? No, it will only embolden the ones seeking to do harm. This has created a dangerous and unsafe work environment advertising our defenselessness. This in NO WAY increases safety or security, in fact it does the opposite. Its akin to hanging a sign on the outer door of a bar stating "FREE BEER, BUT ONLY IF YOU BRING IN YOUR OWN GLASS". I was never nervous or felt unsafe going to work for VDOT, but from now on i will be nervous every time i enter an office with this sign advertising we are ready to be shot. I intend to file an official protest through channels regarding these signs and this policy for that matter.