Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Health and Human Resources
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
Mandate 909

Mandate Information
Mandate Title:
CCC Plus Waiver
Purpose of legislation
The 2016 Acts of the Assembly, Chapter 780, Item 306.JJJ(3) directed the agency to "seek reforms to include all remaining Medicaid populations and services, including long-term care and home- and community-based waiver services into cost-effective, managed and coordinated delivery systems…." This mandate was carried forward in the 2017 Appropriations Act, Item 306.JJJ(3), the 2018 Appropriations Act, Item 303.SS(3), the 2019 Appropriations Act, Item 303.SS(3).
Legislation mandating a change
Budget item mandating a change Item 306 (2016)
VAC chapters to be amended
12 vac 30 - 120 : Waivered Services
Associated Regulatory Actions
Action 4781: CCC Plus WAIVER
Latest Stage: Final
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