Action | Amendments Regarding Use of Controversial or Sensitive Instructional Materials |
Stage | NOIRA |
Comment Period | Ended on 1/15/2014 |
Surely Virginia will exercise common sense regarding where the rights of the state and the rights of parents require careful consideration and respect for the role of parents in education. Of course parents should be notified-and given right of refusal-- if children are to watch, in a classroom or state sanctioned informational presentation, depictions of sexually explicit behaviors--for viewing by their own children. These are front line issues that responsible parents already address with their children in many ways, tangentially and explicitly. It is far healthier, and imbuing with defenses against offensive behaviors, if children learn and react in the presence of parents vs. other students whose own perspectives after viewing could be far more offensive in the teaching process and abrogating of the parent's control in the process of seeing/reading such resources that may or not reflect the values of the child or the parents.
Even the proposal of this policy assumes the lowest common denominator for all students. Shameful.