Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Education
State Board of Education
Regulations Governing Local School Boards and School Divisions [8 VAC 20 ‑ 720]
Action Amendments Regarding Use of Controversial or Sensitive Instructional Materials
Comment Period Ended on 1/15/2014
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1/14/14  1:27 pm
Commenter: Danielle Squire

Do not support

This proposal isn't really needed. I mean your kids learn about sex education and everything else in elementary through high school. Most material that you read in school or watch have some things that might be sexual and might be offense but don't forget that your child have a life outside of school. You can't control everything your child watches and sees. Even if the amendment gets passed you can't stop the kids act school who talk about sex and make racists comments. You can't stop the media that goes on around them. Music now have sex and racism in just about every verse of the song and your child probably still listens to it. It's up to your child to act upon it or not. Racism is everywhere whether you like it or not. Sex is everywhere too. You can't hide from it, all you can do is live with it and ignore it. Also, if your child feels offended by anything they learn in school then they can speak up about but for high school students, they should by this point by old enough to not have their parents sign off on whether they can talk about sex or learn about the Holocaust. You ahve to let the students know what it is now and learning how to avoid or whne they grow up and get into the real world they aren't going to know what to do.

CommentID: 30443