Action | Amendments Regarding Use of Controversial or Sensitive Instructional Materials |
Stage | NOIRA |
Comment Period | Ended on 1/15/2014 |
This proposal would only serve to hinder the education in the classrooms. The terms "sensative" and "controvercial" have such wide interpretations that the proposed regulation would have differing perspectives on each topic that would need to be covered. In some cases, sensative or controverical topics allow for a free-flowing process of thought and counter thought or points and counterpoints that allow students to learn from and listen to peers, as well as allowing them to examine their own thoughts or viewpoints. That is what is going to be expected of our students when they finish their schooling, and that should be something that teachers can prepare students for in a much more controlled environment than they would face outside of the classrooms. Limiting topis and perspecives only serves to hinder the student's in an era where we are supposed to create students who can think for themselves. Please listen to the comments throughout this section and vote no on this proposal.