Regulations Governing the Practice of Social Work
[18 VAC 140 ‑ 20]
On this Action:
CLOSED Opened on 2/1/2021 and Ended on 3/3/2021
Comment Title | Commenter | |
Support | Anonymous (97232) | 2/10/21 5:25 pm |
I fully support allowing SISWs to use technology for f2f contacts with clients | LeNelle Mozell | 2/11/21 2:02 pm |
Use of technology to meet face to face requirements | Joy Harris, LCSW - Prince William County Community Services | 2/11/21 3:47 pm |
Technology permitted to meet face to face requirements | Jacquelyn Brannock, LCSW -Prince William County CSB | 2/16/21 3:00 pm |
Telephonic communication | Latoria Jennings | 2/26/21 1:47 pm |
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