Action | Update the Statewide Fire Prevention Code |
Stage | Final |
Comment Period | Ended on 6/29/2018 |
Fire codes were enacted to protect the public! Weakening the codes does not protect the public. I suggest that the International Fire Code as employed in the US be employed in Virginia in its entirety. One only needs to see the devastation caused by fires today to realize that the synthetics materials burn twice or three times faster than natural wood products. Fire sprinklers should be considered in Virgina; look at the reduiction of damage and positive impacts that have occurred in Maryland since fire sprinklers were madated. Losses are nil since the 24-hour fire fighter (sprinkler) is always ready instantly.
Don't be mislead. I fully fire sprinklered my home in 1989 and now the reduction in insurance premiums makes me money!!!!
Codes need to be strong and not weakened.
W. G. Shelton Jr., CEM, FIFireE