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Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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8/30/24  12:06 pm
Commenter: SheRae Hunter

LRI Guardrails

My son is autistic with many behavioral issues. As such, he requires constant supervision and assistants with almost every day to day task. We do not live near any family and we have 4 other younger children. In the past we have been able to hire attendants that have been fantastic for our family, but never have we had success hiring an attendant (or multiple attendants) for the amount of assistance and supervision my son needs, and the availability of potential attendants has only dropped post Covid in our small town. In that stead, I, his mother have had to step in (even though I work as well) as LRI. The opportunity to do this has allowed for me, his mother and primary care giver to provide the care that he needs in between outside attendants while at the same time offsetting my inability to work my career as much. As we scrambled several months ago to prepare for the guardrails, it was actually much harder for families like ours that have no family nearby to vouch as EOR, creating a doubly difficult situation of no backup care AND no option to transfer the EOR to anyone local. Please remember families like ours that serve our city by working and living in rural areas far away from family and vote in favor of permanently removing impossible Guardrails preventing LRIs from filling the position of attendant. Failure to do so would be in the detriment of my son and our family and to many of citizens that you serve. 

Thank you 

CommentID: 227511