Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Virginia Department of Health
State Board of Health
Regulations for the Immunization of School Children [12 VAC 5 ‑ 110]
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11/28/22  1:37 pm
Commenter: Christopher Woodfin

No to the COVIC vaccine for children

Under Virginia State Code (§1-240.1) parents have a right to make decisions concerning the "upbringing, education, and care" of their children.  Whether or not to receive certain vaccinations certainly falls into this category.  As an attorney, I understand that the state must weigh the rights of the individual versus public safety and that is why we mandate a number of vaccines for school children.  Most of these vaccine mandates (polio, etc.) are based on long settled science.  The COVID vaccine is not.  Based off of the recent statistics, children have a minimal chance of serious injury or death as a result of COVID-19, I think the last statistics I saw was a greater than 99.99% recovery rate.

I ask you to leave this decision where it belongs, in the hands of the parents.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

CommentID: 206267