Science and studies are clear world wide the vaccines for children and young adults are more harm than good. Please, follow the science and stop condemning those who are wise enough to read and seek the truth. Children suffer heart complications which may impact the innocent for the remainder of their lives. Some react so severely, their lives will never be the same. It is proven that children suffer much less without the vaccine than as they do with the vaccine. Baby to 44 and by the upper age of 44, people should easily make their personal vaccination decisions.
Let’s not open our state for mass litigation. These cases of Democratic overreach have won their legal battles all over this great country. Do we need this in Virginia too? Do the right thing for the right reasons. We do not need the WHO driving our country’s vaccination needs. I plea, Virginia seek advice from their esteemed and brilliant Health Leader, Dr. Marty Makary, John’s Hopkins, Virginia Medical Advisor.