To whom it may concern,
I came down with CoVid in October of 2020. Yet, I was released in October 16th, 2020, and only found out st the end of its course that I had had CoVid after the fact. It was my attending physician that requested for me to have my blood tested to see if I had the antibiotics, because the test I had done in the emergency room gave a false negative on October 3, 2020. After hearing Dr. Fauci and other specialists speak on the natural ammunition could not be counted on, I requested a antibodies test thirteen month later, On November 16, 2021, and got the results back a few days later, having revealed that my antibodies were up and working. The attending physician asked me had I been around other’s with CoVid. My response included: two other’s I had spoken with, a day so afterwards, they had tested positive for CoVid. So our immune systems of natural immunity are at work. Leave off the mandates. They are hurting more than helping. They are still under EUA if I understand correctly, so why the push. I thank my God, The Lord Jesus Christ for getting me through it with double pneumonia at home. Praise Him. Father can do what no man can do. He gave us natural immunity.
So there is no reason to force immunizations of this type on children or otherwise.