Action | Amendments Regarding Use of Controversial or Sensitive Instructional Materials |
Stage | NOIRA |
Comment Period | Ended on 1/15/2014 |
All of English and History is sensitive and controversial, that is why it needs to be learned. If this amendment were to be passed, each English and Social Studies teacher would have to state in their syllabus that the ENTIRE COURSE has senstitive and controversial material. This discretion should be left to the teachers, and if a parent has an issue with content, then it is the parents job to address the teacher. The parent should be in charge of this individually, not the state. To pass this would be to tie the hands of education as a whole and to rob our students of some of the greatest works of literature past, present and future. This would also rob education of teaching our students about past mistakes and gross injustices in history, so that they will not be repeated. We are well trained, EXPERTS even! Let us do our jobs please.