Action | Amendments Regarding Use of Controversial or Sensitive Instructional Materials |
Stage | NOIRA |
Comment Period | Ended on 1/15/2014 |
As a citizen and as a teacher, I am concerned about this new rule. Who determines what is "sensitive?" Is a book discussing the use of magic or with witches sensitive? Is a book which contains bullying or an accidental death sensitive? It is to some people. I don't think it is practicable for teachers to inform parents what might be sensitive because we don't know what each parent thinks is sensitive. For some parents, it may be an incidence of sexual activity. For others, it may be drug use. It may be a discussion of religions other than the one the parent practices. Maybe a parent wouldn't want his/her child to learn about incidents of genocide or the Holocaust. All are sensitive comments, but students should learn about them. Teachers are trained and know how and who to ask to find age-appropriate resources for our students. Please trust us to do our jobs and educate our state's children!