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Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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8/30/24  10:57 am
Commenter: Anonymous

Legally Responsible Individual (LRI)

My daughter is non-verbal and relies heavily on non-verbal cues for communication. As their parent, I've intuitively understood these cues over the years. Hiring an outside aide risks missing these critical communications, compromising my child's safety. I should be the primary choice for their care, not a fallback option. The support from HB909/SB488 has allowed me to be compensated for providing the attentive care my child needs. This legislative action has allowed me to stay home and ensure that every non-verbal cue is understood and responded to appropriately. Removing or amending these provisions would greatly hinder our ability to maintain this level of communication and care. The current waiver draft could lead to miscommunications or missed cues, significantly affecting my child's safety and well-being. This would result in unnecessary stress and potential health risks for my child.

CommentID: 227503