Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Environmental Quality
State Water Control Board
Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Permit Regulation [9 VAC 25 ‑ 31]
Action is Exempt from Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act
9VAC25-31 DMME Name Change and Section Recodification
Action 5774
General Information
Action Summary This regulatory action changes the existing language of the regulation (9VAC25-31-940) to incorporate the change of the name of “the Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy” to “the Department of Energy” and the Recodification of Code Section 45.1 to 45.2. § 2.2-4006 A 4 a of the Administrative Process Act allows the Board to adopt a regulatory amendment that is necessary to conform to changes in Virginia statutory law. This regulatory action is required to conform the existing regulation to changes in the Code.
Chapters Affected Only affects this chapter.
Executive Branch Review This Action is exempt from Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act. The normal executive branch review process is not required. As such, it can be submitted directly for publication and is effective upon publication.
Exempt Citation: 2.2-4006 A 4 a of the Code of Virginia
RIS Project Yes  [6780]
Associated Mandates Amendments for Recodification of Title 45.1 to Title 45.2 and Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy Name Change
New Periodic Review This action will not be used to conduct a new periodic review.
Stages associated with this regulatory action.
Stage ID Stage Type Status
9332 Final Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 10/27/2021.
Contact Information
Name / Title: William Norris 
Address: 1111 East Main Street, Suite 1400
P.O. Box 1105
Richmond, VA 23218
Email Address:
Phone: (804)698-4022    FAX: (804)698-4178    TDD: ()-