Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Periodic Reviews
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Periodic Review status of 18 chapters for the Board of Medical Assistance Services.
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< 4 Chapter less then 4 years old, no review required. 
secretariat Health and Human Resources
board Board of Medical Assistance Services

Latest Review Activity Next Review
VAC Chapter Title Review via Standard Rulemaking Periodic Review Feature Agency's Scheduled Due Date
12 VAC 30-5 Public Participation Guidelines 3/30/2022
12 VAC 30-10 State Plan Under Title XIX of the Social Security Act Medical Assistance Program; General Provisions 8/25/2014 10/18/2022
12 VAC 30-20 Administration of Medical Assistance Services 8/25/2014 7/1/2023
12 VAC 30-30 Groups Covered and Agencies Responsible for Eligibility Determination
12 VAC 30-40 Eligibility Conditions and Requirements
12 VAC 30-50 Amount, Duration, and Scope of Medical and Remedial Care and Services 10/18/2022
12 VAC 30-60 Standards Established and Methods Used to Assure High Quality Care 4/16/2012 8/22/2022
12 VAC 30-70 Methods and Standards for Establishing Payment Rates; in-Patient Hospital Care
12 VAC 30-80 Methods and Standards for Establishing Payment Rate; Other Types of Care 2/2/2022
12 VAC 30-90 Methods and Standards for Establishing Payment Rates for Long-Term Care 9/20/2022
12 VAC 30-95 Standards Established and Methods Used for Fee-for-Service Reimbursement 3/30/2022 12/4/2022
12 VAC 30-100 State Programs 3/30/2022 12/18/2022
12 VAC 30-110 Eligibility and Appeals 6/15/2022
12 VAC 30-120 Waivered Services 10/27/2022
12 VAC 30-122 Community Waiver Services for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
< 4 
12 VAC 30-130 Amount, Duration and Scope of Selected Services 8/1/2022 7/27/2022
12 VAC 30-141 Family Access to Medical Insurance Security (FAMIS)Plan 2/11/2023 12/28/2022
12 VAC 30-150 Uninsured Medical Catastrophe Fund 3/30/2022 12/4/2018